Part 3!!!!! Prepare to melt at Hyun Joong's response!!!!!!!!!
To my dearest Hwang Buin,
The amount 9, 165,000 Won that you have calculated has been credited into your account.
Please check...
As your first husband, whom you have abandoned...
I too, have a list for Buin's reference.
1. Being Buin's chauffeur during the honeymoon--- Free
2. Catching mosquitoes for Buin--- Free
3. Making breakfast for Buin--- Free
4. Playing the piano for Buin--- Free
5. Singing ballads for Buin--- Free
6. Playing the guitar for Buin--- Free
7. Full body massage for Buin--- Free
8. Being Buin's puppy and helping Buin to pick things up--- Free
9. Being Buin's bodyguard--- Free
10. Being Buin's personal tour guide and translator--- Free
11. Folding paper cranes for Buin--- Free
12. Copyright fees for photo taken with Buin--- Free
13. Being Buin's companion, even if it means holding hands and running in the rain (which I hate)--- Free
14. Letting Buin bobo me--- Free
15. Piggyback Buin--- Free
16. Being a manicurist and helping Buin to apply nail color--- Free
17. Being an astronaut and plucking the stars from the sky for Buin--- Free
18. My heart, which no longer belongs to me--- Priceless
Please look through the list above, Buin.
The prices quoted are accurate without a doubt.
If you have any thoughts about this, please contact me as soon as possible.
Your Shillang.
P/S: Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?
To my dearest Hwang Buin,
The amount 9, 165,000 Won that you have calculated has been credited into your account.
Please check...
As your first husband, whom you have abandoned...
I too, have a list for Buin's reference.
1. Being Buin's chauffeur during the honeymoon--- Free
2. Catching mosquitoes for Buin--- Free
3. Making breakfast for Buin--- Free
4. Playing the piano for Buin--- Free
5. Singing ballads for Buin--- Free
6. Playing the guitar for Buin--- Free
7. Full body massage for Buin--- Free
8. Being Buin's puppy and helping Buin to pick things up--- Free
9. Being Buin's bodyguard--- Free
10. Being Buin's personal tour guide and translator--- Free
11. Folding paper cranes for Buin--- Free
12. Copyright fees for photo taken with Buin--- Free
13. Being Buin's companion, even if it means holding hands and running in the rain (which I hate)--- Free
14. Letting Buin bobo me--- Free
15. Piggyback Buin--- Free
16. Being a manicurist and helping Buin to apply nail color--- Free
17. Being an astronaut and plucking the stars from the sky for Buin--- Free
18. My heart, which no longer belongs to me--- Priceless
Please look through the list above, Buin.
The prices quoted are accurate without a doubt.
If you have any thoughts about this, please contact me as soon as possible.
Your Shillang.
P/S: Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?
*Credits: http://ssangchu.blogbus.com/logs/38492254.html
*nose bleed*
P/S: Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?
how i wish shillang is actually wrote it to buin.
currently melting!.....
me too!
i wish shillang said those words!....
i love #18! too mushy hahaha!!! and the last line! oh! what more can buin say except "yeah right shilang... you're just working abroad..."
omo!... really... can't stop smiling.. ^_^
that p/s... so very touching... come to think of it... when did they really divorce? seemed like they're just a long distance couple...he just needed to work overseas... just byebye FOR A WHILE... ^_^
AWWWW! That's seriously the cutest thing ever! ^^
too good..~ divorcce? NO..yaksoo..heheh ~ cute young masters ~
cant wait 4 part 4.. how sweet of shillang..hope their love for each other can be free from every1 and they get their freedom.
hahah oh my, I'm sure the sales for their chicken will rise even more. Can you imagine if a Joongboer won? If I was there I'd totally ask him to say hi to unnie for me 8D
^wrong window LOL for this, I wanted to say OMG what a weird guy...everything is so mushy...but I'm ttly loving it <33333 I also can't remember if they divorced XD
Really lovely shillang^^
love his P/S too.
yeah HB, did you guys divorced? cant remember either!
My heart.., which no longer belong to me...arhhhh so sweet....:P
Thanks for reposting this :)
This is one of the sweetest thing I think HJ can ever write...
Chonsa, I was prepared to melt... but I didn't expect that his response will be oooozzzing with mushinesss!!! I LOVE IT!!!
this is ubercute ^^
thanks for posting it
OMG, super CUTE!!!Esp. #18. My heart, which no longer belongs to me-priceless. LOL Thank you
I agree, with fate/God help as always.. a JBer would win the hotsun n ask him to go date w HB hist first n only wife.......
OMG!! *DIES* - a million times over.
This is SOOOO SWEET!!!
I totally love it!!!
sorry but Im confused, did he write this himself? when? or did someone else make it up? Just wanted to be sure...
Kasia, it's a fanfic... but it's so HJ isnt it?? :)
Please can someone translate this to Korean (with permission of course) and send it to them!!! :p
aaaaa..so sweeet..can't they just get married for real???
thanks for clearing that up for me
waahhh!!!! HJ's response is even funnier!!!
"did we divorce? why can't I remember?" yahoooo!!!
whoever did this- a big round of applause for you!!! love it!!!
"My heart, which no longer belongs to me" & "P/S: Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?"
awwwwww i'm melting...
whoever wrote this on behalf of shillang, you rock!! omg it's sooooo sweet...it sure captured all the lovable essence that existed thru-out their marriage..aawww...if im hwang buin i'll be wondering where i got all those luck to be able to get married to shillang..lol.they'll make the cutest couple ever~ yea can anyone please translate into korean and send to WGM?? ^^
" P/S: Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?"
Melt into a human puddle
Although this is fanfic, I can see HJ saying this and then tilting his head sideways-up while kind of scrunching up his face. Like what HJ and HB did simultaneously @ the house-warming.
some one mold me back from the human puddle i just melted into reading this ^^
Arghh, this makes my day!!!
So sweeeeet
amazing,amazing, priceless ha!ah.........c u t e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
Chonsa, thank you , you make my day ! JoongBo saranghae!
This is priceless. Wish they get together soon for us fans. I think we did miss them a lot coz we are creating this for them. HJ, do pls. call buin....
This debt thing is hilarious...omg, I remembered all these things he did for as I go through them...good job on compiling such an awesome list!!! Joongbo forever! Wish they can do something together soon...plz, do something soon for us!!! we miss you!
AW!! Now those three posts were priceless. Thank you so much for finding it and then having the translations up for us. That really made my day. <3 I miss them together. I think we're all a puddle of mush now.
Count me in! I keep re-reading this wedding debt and everytime I read it I melt! HJ is so sweet even though he didn't write it I can totally imagine him thinking of something similar to this to say to Hwang Bo. AAAAHHH!!!
P/S:Did we divorce? Why can't I remember?
Yeah, why can't I remember as well? hehe
omg..omg...it's so touching..........
thanks a million ....
OMG!! if it was really joongbo saying that!!! i will smile endlessly... :D:D
reading this made me smile:) indeed very well written!
I thought this was real. T_T And I was tearing up...
i smiling non-stop right now
soooooo sweeeeeeeet
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Sooo sweet!!! I'm tearing already!!! It's a pity KHJ didn't say it...
I melt
and I faint
I lose my conscious
I die
and I revive
Because of your cutest letter!
I die and go to Shillang/Buin heaven....sigh.... full of happiness!
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