Shots of Hwang Bo posing for the June edition of Instyle Magazine. She's sporting a summer look, and looks absolutely SMASHING! It's absolutely lovely to see her looking so stunning after the musical getup... *shudder*
*Credits: Nate.com*
My own place to chill...
Waah...SO HOT!!! Love Hwang Bo<3
wow HB is pretty hot in these pictures....Hmm...wonder someone will like it or not...haahaaa...Thanks C for posting this picz.....
" musical get up"???
what do you mean by that?
omo thanks Chonsa for this info! im definitely getting the instyle june issue for sure. :D
i could just imagine Hj closing his eyes and his typical sigh ... lol
but she is hot!
funny how you used the word smashing.. lol i just can hear a tv being smashed... she is breathtakingly beautiful!!
Can HB unnie be more sizzling hot? kekeke!! ( No Homo )
wonder how HJ reacts when he c these pics
hj, your buin is super beautiful and you are a lucky guy !
HB deserve a better men than HJ..
Shoot me but its true..
I miss old HB who dress chic yet sexy but not slutty with carefree personality and hangs wit guys around..
Now she dress poorly, so hesitate and quite..
She need a real men not a 'nearly men'!
i just love the smookin S line!!
She's prettier than hyori. She's younger too. If I we're HJ I will settle 4 hwangbo. She is smart, pretty, down to earth,good housemaker and have a great s line. Whatever u can get. If Hj doesn't want her, there are more better man for unni.
shillang's gonna be mad tho!!!
that's one HOT lady!! i foresee years of boxed tees and elastic waist skirts as punishment. and lots of broken TVs :)
rock on, hwangbo.
wow so so so hotttttttttttttt.
"i foresee years of boxed tees and elastic waist skirts as punishment. and lots of broken TVs :) "
and i'm listening to " break away" from ss501's new japanese album xD
heard ss501 is coming to hawaii... WHY NOT SFO?
HJ is a smart guy. He knew HB was god sent. He would treasure her like diamonds esp she's gorgeous inside and outside.
hwangbo < 333333333333333
HwangBo is the best !
She's so pretty..... Really love and adored her.
LOL "musical get up"....
"HB deserve a better men than HJ.."
why is there this sort of negativity? i want to comment that she is still dressing quite chic yet sexy. on the contrary, i don't think she's dressing poorly. it seems like her stylist is experimenting different fashions on her, and in the end i'm pretty sure she has some say to what she wears. she doesn't strike to me as the type who'll completely submit to her man (or others) and what not. HJ even said in the past that he likes a girl who is her own person. you've seen in wgm, although he dislikes what she wears, in the end she stayed with her original choice for that 'get hot' perf.
and while we don't have hard copy proof that they're together, because i choose to believe, i believe she is happy and satisfied. she's still got spunk but she's human and she will have her days. on the contrary thought, i prefer that she's honest on camera instead of smiling if she is upset/sad etc
we've all got our opinions, but at the end of the day it's their choice. and as some people mentioned, if he doesn't treasure her, then it's his loss.
Its always gonna be like that..
HB fans don't like HB and the other way around..
Altough I find somtimes HJ fans are more hars on HB than HB fans on HJ..
Esp when they say HB is old and unfit celeb for him (popularity and looks)..I really dislike that..O_o!
Every body have their own opinion..but in the end of the day its their decision to choose their own partner..
And as their fans (luv HB more tough) I support them 24/7/365!
*peace out..XD
Doesnt she looks like a dress-up barbie in the first pic especially with those shoes?
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