This is a translation done by Witchtwitch off a Chinese creation by 不见不爱不痛 , who wrote these lists on her blog. Read and enjoy, because it really is adorable!
Parts 2,3 and 4 to follow!
Thanks Witch for translating and 不见不爱不痛 for allowing me to share your wonderful work with the rest of the Joongboers!
Parts 2,3 and 4 to follow!
Thanks Witch for translating and 不见不爱不痛 for allowing me to share your wonderful work with the rest of the Joongboers!
To my dearest Kim Hyun Joong,
Due to the fact that we have already divorced, I believe there is a need to calculate the expenses we have incurred during these 31 weeks of marriage and make a list.
1. Rental of the beetle convertible, yacht and suite during the honeymoon --- 2,000,000
2. Rental of the luxurious apartment in the city--- 1,200,000
3. Water used to fill up your favorite pool-like bath tub during house warming--- 60,000
4. Food purchased for hosting friends and brothers-in-law during house warming--- 100,000
5. Entrance tickets to the outdoor swimming complex--- 60,000
6. Birthday cake and gift bought specially for your birthday--- 100,000
7. Dress specially bought to be worn on your birthday--- 100,000
8. Shifting house--- 400,000
9. Medical fees incurred while knitting your muffler--- 20,000
10. Baby blown up pool bought specially for you--- 20,000
11. My trip to Japan because I missed you--- 2,000,000
12. The vacation with AlShin couple--- 500,000
13. Fireworks bought to make you happy--- 20,000
14. Wedding photo shoot for our 100th day Anniversary--- 2,000,000
15. Petrol used during the trip to the rural village--- 60,000
16. First farewell dinner--- 100,000
17. Ant Couple Tour--- 100,000
18. Trip to your favorite amusement park--- 40,000
19. Match-making dinner planned for my beloved brothers-in-law--- 100,000
20. Loss incurred for doing weird actions during my performance all thanks to your strange mission --- 200,000
21. Skating together--- 20,000
22. Vaccine taken to take precautions for your health--- 40,000
23. Your favorite ginseng chicken--- 20,000
24. Dress and hairdo I prepared specially for the farewell--- 400,000
25. The tasty kimbap bought for the Halla San hike--- 10,000
26. The countless couple tops that originally can be recycled but in the end were ruined by you--- 100,000
27. More than 10 types of conditioners bought for you and secretly stashed in your bag--- 600,000
28. Countless facial treatments done for you--- 800,000
29. Gained antis after being married to you, lead to visits to psychiatrist--- 200,000
30. Vitamins and ramen bought for you during your trip to Japan--- 20,000
31. Summit wine bought to celebrate our successful hike--- 15,000
32. SS501 album bought in Japan to support your band--- 25,000
33. Vet medical cost for Jins, you strangled her because you liked my aegyo too much during the Busan trip--- 50,000
At the present moment, these are the items I can think of. If you have doubts to any of the items above, please reply this letter or call my cell phone.
The total amount is 11,200,000 Won.
If there is no issue, please credit this amount into my bank account.
Thank you.
Your first wife,
Hwang Bo Hye Jung
*Credits: http://ssangchu.blogbus.com, http://ssangchu.blogbus.com/logs/38403169.html *
Due to the fact that we have already divorced, I believe there is a need to calculate the expenses we have incurred during these 31 weeks of marriage and make a list.
1. Rental of the beetle convertible, yacht and suite during the honeymoon --- 2,000,000
2. Rental of the luxurious apartment in the city--- 1,200,000
3. Water used to fill up your favorite pool-like bath tub during house warming--- 60,000
4. Food purchased for hosting friends and brothers-in-law during house warming--- 100,000
5. Entrance tickets to the outdoor swimming complex--- 60,000
6. Birthday cake and gift bought specially for your birthday--- 100,000
7. Dress specially bought to be worn on your birthday--- 100,000
8. Shifting house--- 400,000
9. Medical fees incurred while knitting your muffler--- 20,000
10. Baby blown up pool bought specially for you--- 20,000
11. My trip to Japan because I missed you--- 2,000,000
12. The vacation with AlShin couple--- 500,000
13. Fireworks bought to make you happy--- 20,000
14. Wedding photo shoot for our 100th day Anniversary--- 2,000,000
15. Petrol used during the trip to the rural village--- 60,000
16. First farewell dinner--- 100,000
17. Ant Couple Tour--- 100,000
18. Trip to your favorite amusement park--- 40,000
19. Match-making dinner planned for my beloved brothers-in-law--- 100,000
20. Loss incurred for doing weird actions during my performance all thanks to your strange mission --- 200,000
21. Skating together--- 20,000
22. Vaccine taken to take precautions for your health--- 40,000
23. Your favorite ginseng chicken--- 20,000
24. Dress and hairdo I prepared specially for the farewell--- 400,000
25. The tasty kimbap bought for the Halla San hike--- 10,000
26. The countless couple tops that originally can be recycled but in the end were ruined by you--- 100,000
27. More than 10 types of conditioners bought for you and secretly stashed in your bag--- 600,000
28. Countless facial treatments done for you--- 800,000
29. Gained antis after being married to you, lead to visits to psychiatrist--- 200,000
30. Vitamins and ramen bought for you during your trip to Japan--- 20,000
31. Summit wine bought to celebrate our successful hike--- 15,000
32. SS501 album bought in Japan to support your band--- 25,000
33. Vet medical cost for Jins, you strangled her because you liked my aegyo too much during the Busan trip--- 50,000
At the present moment, these are the items I can think of. If you have doubts to any of the items above, please reply this letter or call my cell phone.
The total amount is 11,200,000 Won.
If there is no issue, please credit this amount into my bank account.
Thank you.
Your first wife,
Hwang Bo Hye Jung
*Credits: http://ssangchu.blogbus.com, http://ssangchu.blogbus.com/logs/38403169.html *
omg!!! hahahaha~!!! this is damn cute!!! thanks for sharing!!! :DDD
haha. that it's funny. my lettuce couple
LOL....this is hillarious!!! tks for sharing Chonsa....will look forward for the rest of the parts!
muahahaha! very funny. looking forward for another part. thanks chonsa and witchwitch.
lawls that was finny :]]]
it is so cute!!!!!!!
lol!!! awwwww <3
very funny, thanks for sharing.
I can't read it , tried to find the link but there was none to the fanfic.
just asking.. at number 6 and 7... about celebrating hyun joong's birthday.. was it shown in we got married?? i can't recall that.. can someone please tell me what episode was that??
lol, that ia just sooo lettuce style. This is just too adorable, thanks unnie C and witch for the translation and for sharing it.
Hihi, HB celebrated HJ's birthday in Ep 15 after they came back from the outdoor pool. Remember HB making the white vest for him? She also made him seaweed soup which he mentioned in the later eps.. :) Hope this clarifies your qn..
Stay tuned for Part 2 tonight... :)
it's damn funny. can't wait for part 2.
This letter is so cute! I really can't wait for part 2 of this letter hehe. Thank you!!!
So funny, but I thought the Skating was paid by HB for she dugged out his wallet. Haha.
Thank you chonsa.
awwwww sugue... amazing!
soooo darn cutie!
i hope hwang bo sees this! im sure she'll be laughing :)
That's seriously cute! I can't wait for Part 2! ^^
Thanks for the translation~~
And by the way i'm 不见不爱不痛~
puahhahaah... CUTENESS!!!
omg... i hope someone would post this somewhere in daum or so... then both HJ n HB could read it... and LOL... hehehe...
thanks for posting chonsa...
onmg! whahahaha really really good!
made me rofl! hehehe
this is so hilarious!!! great job!!
No.29 Antis-200,000. Eventhough this amount means as cash but suddenly I notice the figure is same when Hyun Joong mention 200,ooo antis during Coca Cola CF interview. Coincidence or did he read her blog????
xDDD omg haha...cute this brought me to tears
thanks for sharing. GodBless!
awww. someone should translate this in korean and send HJ and HB each a copy. <3
i really really miss the original WGM. they put on a really really good reality tv show just like in the original XMAN.
i wisH i haVe soME1 to LOve Like thiS...iTs so cuTe anD toucHing...
wonDEr if unnie anD HJ eVer sEe thiS...they suRe be smiLing anD remembEring thoSe gOOd memRies oF them 2gEthER~........eVen they are not 2gethEr anymoRe...suRe this wiLL neVer be 4gotteN by them....memriEs thAt they wiLL cheRIsh 4eVEr!~
anD i do beLieVe they haVe "thinggy" 2gethER..its possibLe 4 them 2 be togethEr...many famOus ceLebs dATe youngEr guys nowadays!~
this is great, i just finished watching WGM, episode 8-38, (I know i'm a bit late)...and i must say, the Wedding debt, settles the score, this will be my "HAPPY ENGING"...
bravo~~ is it the real letter from sshangchu couple? or someone wrote and post such as fan fic?? howeever,it's so cute and remind all memories to me ..many thks to guys to post
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