The lovely Joongboers who went all the way to Cebu just to show our love for Hwang Bo and Joongbo have kindly allowed for me to share the photos from their fan welcoming at the airport!
View away guys!!!
View away guys!!!
The lovely girls posing with the tees they prepared!

Meeting Hwang Bo!

Cheering 'To the world!' with Hwang Bo! Resulting in her laughing her trademark laugh!

Some of the IG girls

More Hwang Bo!

I'd like to thank Cati_21, Michsann and Marites59 for their lovely kindness and effort!! And to all the Joongboers who went to Cebu to greet her with such love, I'm sure the rest of the members of the Joongbo world, along with me, are proud and happy that you guys made the trip and passed our love to her!! And I'd like to extend a big thank you for showing her our support for them!
Gosh, I really wish I could have been there!!!!!! I want a hug from Hwang Bo too!! *sigh*
Thanks guys!!
Gosh, I really wish I could have been there!!!!!! I want a hug from Hwang Bo too!! *sigh*
Thanks guys!!
thank you for sharing the pictures, Hwangbo is so pretty.
The girls did an excellent job to greet and meet with Hwangbo and IG girls at Cebu airport, also presented to her the gifts.
i want those shirts too!!! they look awesome!!! :DDD
thanks for sharing!!! :DDD
On the 6th pic from the last, she seemed surprised to see the angels! Was she really girls?
Go girls! So proud of you for making this effort, even for such a short short notice.
she is simply gorgeous. i'll never forget that day - being that close to her. but i lost my sanity so i forgot to check out her secret code ring! it was supposed to be one of my missions. haha.
yes. it was such a short notice. i was sooo busy in the ofc for the past 3 weeks but thinking that it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet hwang bo, i really asked my joongboer friends here in Manila to make sure i'll also get a ticket to cebu! haha.
now, dont ask me why HJ keeps on staring at her during their stint in WGM. the guy isnt 4D. he's just a normal guy who cant help staring at Hwang Bo who is a real beauty upclose.
oh god! Thank you guys for all the hard effors you've done. I can's say enough Thank you to you all. Go Hwang Bo unie your a real goddess hehe. Luv yah.
She's beautiful. thanks for 4 supporting.Did she mention HJ at all?
to michsann,
you guys are the best!!! yeah, i wanna know that too... did she mention HJ at all?! wonder if she knows that boys before flowers is now being shown here in the Phils. and is now receiving a high viewer rating. how did you guys find out her time of arrival?!! and mind you, the presents you thought of were really awesome. you guys are good!! wish i had the same luck as you guys did! but anyways, i'm more than satisfied with the photos and stories you've shared. thank you all!! :-)
To the World!!!
Oh yeah, Hwangbo does look totally surprised and happy seeing the gals. :-)
aaahh... such a wonderful gifts and i'm so envy for u girls being lucky & so close to HB! thanks for sharing the pics.
she looks beautiful and lively. wish i could get a hug from her too!
thanks again for sharing! .."JB to the World!!
hahahaha michsann.... we were so crazy we really did forget a lot of things! i forgot to give Hwangbo the flowers! hahahaha
but gosh! she is really really really BEAUTIFUL! like a GODDESS!
wow! i envy joongboers who met her in person.. you guys rockzz!
kindly visit HB Int'l forum if you have time..
She so pretty even it was midnight when she got to Cebu. Thanks you gals for sharing these with us.
i'm proud of these girls for making this effort and love.
thks all.
i want those shirts too!!! they look awesome!!! :DDD thanks for sharing!!! :DDD
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