Aaaaa.... it's been so quiet lately!!!!! And the latest news is that the SS boys are going to the States, regardless of the swine flu, which means that Shar and the rest of you guys going to HB will be seeing them! Hope they have a great time in the States and return home to Korea all safe and sound!
Anyways, another round of pic spam! Just for the heck of it! ^^
the yellow top reminds me of ss501's greenish yellow tops while they were promoting " a song for you" before... XDDDD
gahhh great to see hj smiling... but wasn't this the same photo shot he fainted @? or were there multiple shots??
i m so happy to see hj back w/ ss501..although he was handsome @ F4, ss501 seems to make him happier and more relaxed....
hhmmm.. any update on hb? i mean, is she going to perform her new song @ any of the music shows? i want to see her @ those too...T.T
there are a lot places in the internet where the writers miss represent ss501 and hyun joong's news about their visit to US.
they are coming here for the hollywood bowl and photo shot and training for the new album, right? but there are people who are saying that they are trying to start a career @ US like BoA/Se7en/Bi, and alot of the netizens are writting negative comments about how dsp is "sucking out all they could out of hyun joong"...T.T
it's soo depressing how some people just... bash... without knowing the real information...
and for that, thank you chonsa for being careful with your words and opinions... :]]]
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