Be Hyun Joong's date for a day girlfriend.
Hyun Joong, who is currently the spokesperson for Hotsun Chicken, will have a date event with a customer on the 4th of July at the Kangnam Hotsun Chicken outlet in order to express appreciation for their support.
The application period runs from the 18th of May till the 30th of June, whereby customers who purchase one chicken will have one chance for applying. The winner will be one of the customers with the most applications on the homepage.
The management of Hotsun Chicken said that they had wanted to organize an event that would present their customers with precious memories.
*Credits: Nate.com*
Hyun Joong, who is currently the spokesperson for Hotsun Chicken, will have a date event with a customer on the 4th of July at the Kangnam Hotsun Chicken outlet in order to express appreciation for their support.
The application period runs from the 18th of May till the 30th of June, whereby customers who purchase one chicken will have one chance for applying. The winner will be one of the customers with the most applications on the homepage.
The management of Hotsun Chicken said that they had wanted to organize an event that would present their customers with precious memories.
*Credits: Nate.com*
OMG!! I wish Im at Korea! haha
DSP ..just knows how to make him work..i mean he so deserves a break ~
at least few weeksz.. their album is here so they will be promoting late..y cant he rest.. so annoying..
let him be with his buin more longer time.. b4 going to usa for _______(i forgot,i think training )lol
hahah oh my, I'm sure the sales for their chicken will rise even more. Can you imagine if a Joongboer won? If I was there I'd totally ask him to say hi to unnie for me 8D
The way I see it is that DSP and the chicken co. are pimping poor HJL, who deserves a rest instead going in this crazy date with stranger.
Omo I posted on wrong window before' I hope a korean Jber win this and ask him to date with HB.. who knows? Usually God and Fate are everywhere Joongbo is.....
As I was telling Chonsa last night, I can foresee the number of women having Hotsun chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner..probably supper too...
the large amount of chickens wasted cos the chickens will be bought but will not be consumed...
tsk tsk tsk...:p
damn.!!!! get me all the chicken in the world.!!!!!! wait till i get my hands on all the chicken in the world .!!! hahahah hyun joong oppa is really hot.!!!
I wish Hwang Bo will win on that date hehehe..Hope she buys chicken there and write here name on the entry couple so that she has a chance to win hehehe... Although we know who wins in HJ's heart its HB hehehe.
It would be funny if a JoongBoer wins the date with HJ. Can tell him to take care of himself more or else he'll worry HB. =P
I agree, DSP only knows how to work the guy. Totally using him to the max, using him to sell chickens. *sigh Hoping HJ can make that 22 billion fast so he can retire and marry Hwang Bo already. =D
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