Hyun Joong revealed that there was a female celebrity that he liked at first sight while he was filming X-Man.
During the recording of Ya Shim Man Man that there was a female celebrity that he had laid his eyes on and liked during the filming of X-Man and that after the recording, he thought of her on his way home, even when he was about to sleep.
He revealed on the show that he is someone who puts love above friendship, and that if the girl really was someone he liked, he would go full force ahead even if it was his friend's girlfriend. He also surprisingly disclosed that he had stolen his friend's girlfriend before.
The program will air on the 2nd of February at 11.10 p.m. Korean time.
P/S: He also revealed on Section TV that his first kiss was when he was in Junior High.
*Credits: Empas News*
During the recording of Ya Shim Man Man that there was a female celebrity that he had laid his eyes on and liked during the filming of X-Man and that after the recording, he thought of her on his way home, even when he was about to sleep.
He revealed on the show that he is someone who puts love above friendship, and that if the girl really was someone he liked, he would go full force ahead even if it was his friend's girlfriend. He also surprisingly disclosed that he had stolen his friend's girlfriend before.
The program will air on the 2nd of February at 11.10 p.m. Korean time.
P/S: He also revealed on Section TV that his first kiss was when he was in Junior High.
*Credits: Empas News*
oh my god, what is he trying to do now. it's so hard to read his mind like a puzzle. could that be HB? or that is your strategy of distracting joongboers. i still believe
He was mention in X-men that Hwangbo whose he want to meet again. (because she looked tanner than last week haha).
Micky,his friend, really like Hwangbo.
"laid his eyes on..during X-men"
"puts love above friendship"
Well... I just believe.
will he say buin ???
i am praying....
waahh... really?...
i really don't like anticipating and then getting disappointed...
but i really hope it's hwang buin... ^^
he's messing with our minds! lol
Come on Hyungjo shout it to the world HWANGBO is MY GIRL..but,if its not the right time KEPT HER TO YOUR HEART....blessing,from the JOONGBO with love,hahahaha we read your mind,we feel your words..CHOONSA ...........youre GREAT.
who is her???????????? and the female in x-man is so much in there but i want to know who is she the girl i hope that is our hwang bo
OMG, I'm about to die just thinking of his possible answer. GOsh, I do hope his answer is Hwang Bo. What is he doing to us JoongBoers? It seems like he's taking us for a spin. I really really hope its HB or better I believe its Hwang Bo. JoongBo fighting!!!
I hope it's HB too. U know how she attracts many in tat show with her supporting and cool character. Her ghost act, sexy dance, dangyunghaji games were all seen n paired with HJ. I just hope it wasn't stephanie or someone else cuz I once heard about d HJ n stephanie pair somewhere b4.
I am wishin is hwangbo. She is the smartest and prettiest during the x man days. Come on HJ, pls. tell it is our unni. lol
i just afraid that he wants to promote BOF so he just said things like that because i saw one vid of xman and the girl that play the main girl in BOF is also in there. I hope he doesn't play that strategy but another side of me say that is HB because someone mention that he said he wants to see HB the 2nd time. HJ really driving joongboers crazy.
OMG OMG OMG!!! Is it HB!!!!! i remember they played the 'of course' game together OMG OMG!!! i hope its HB
gosh, joongboers are dying!!! c'mon man, shout it out for us.why is it that i'm thingking he's really giving hints and is simply waiting for the right time. JOONGBO fighting!!!
pls just don't let it be yoon eun hye! *puke
I personally want to believe that it's HB.. too many little things, this about X-Man, then he keeps mentioning things about a girl that is like his friend, and doing fun things with, and that's the impression I got from Joongbo on WGM. Nice and kinda and we all know that that's Joongbo, as well him saying that she doesn't care what she looks like,HB is beautiful, but they always comment that she looks foriegn... Any way I choose to believe! JOONGBO FIGHTING!!
who is mickey???????? GO HB!@!!! hehe
He wasn't on that many love shows ... We can probably name all the girls... Guess who I would name first? Buin...
There's gotta be something going on... I mean, why mention it if it doesn't have meaning... HJ is being very brave recently... All the things said about WGM and now this... I hope the fans won't be mad and his company won't be angry at him.
Honestly, as much as i love joongbo, i dun think he's talking abt hwangbo here. u can tell he wasn't close to hwangbo during x-man days and he only got to know her better during WGM.
i seriously think he's talking abt yoon eun hye here. i was die-hard x-man fan, so i rewatched the show for many times and paid attention to all those details. hyunjoong was on x-man with eun hye during episodes 39, and 41-44. He did look at eun hye a lot and smiled a lot whenever eun hye's doing sth fun/cute. On eun hye's last appearance on x-man, he wanted to pair up with her saying that he's always admired that she's a hardworker.
with all that said, i'm sure it's all in the past. honestly, hwangbo wasn't really attractive during early x-man days as she was always portrayed as a tomboy, so it's not surprising that hyunjoong didn't think abt hwangbo romantically. but WGM totally let hyunjoong and all the viewers including me realize how beautiful both inside and out hwangbo is! i totally luv HB now. of coz i still luv eun hye :)
ok, this is a really long post, but yea, i always thought he had a thing for eun hye...
oh geez like everyone else, i wish it was HB but i guess not in reality, i agree with the above post it could be eun hye or even stephanie...
it is probably not HB; but he might be referring to HB as the girl his friend likes. Everyone knows Mickey Yoochun likes HB; HJ and YC are friends.
If its not HB I don't think HJ would make such a bold comment since he knows alot of people would automatically link him to HB. I mean, if he actually liked someone other than HB during the X-Man days I think in a way making a statement like this would hurt HB. The are like the it couple now and everything they do links them so I believe HJ knowing this made that statement to point to HB. I believe in JoongBo so I choose to believe. I agree HB didn't look girly during the X-Man days cuz she portray a tomboy but if you look at it closely, alot of guys on X-Man liked her without her having to be feminine. So I do think HJ did find HB somewhat attractive since he did said in one episode of X-Man that the person he was hoping to see again was Hwang Bo. Anyway, my belief is its Hwang Bo. JoongBo fighting!!!
hj comments are driving me insane...y should he mention his crush now that their wedding photos have made us drooled?very confusing...indeed...part of me yeah maybe he wouldnt notice hb during their X-man days .only after WGM he realized how worthy she is...but the other part of still hope that his crush would non other than his general buin regardless how cute or giddy the other female celebrities were....i mean..i believe in match made in heaven..i mean who knows...??bt again we r talkin bout hj...eveything about him is unpredictable..im crossing my fingers though!!
shillang is trying to show us something?? isnt it obvious.. one by one!! hMmmm what is he up to??!!!
hwangbo buin hwang bo buin!!
why do i have a feeling its not gonna be hwangbuin? :( i think its a scam to make others think its the boys over flower girl becasue she was on it before as well right
Oh my god! i think it is eun yoo hye! she look like the only candidate that he will like
well,whoever it is HJ was the only one can tell.Its ok Hwangbo if its not you WE STILL LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU FOREVER DONT WORRY BE HAPPY OK. BE STRONG EVERYTHING GONNA BE ALRIGHT.CHEER UP......
I think too. it won't be HwangBo.
He liked cute girl....
2nd Feb,he will be on YMM.
and same day HB will be olive program and will answer many question. I wonder how she will answer~ anyway,i can see HwangBo=!
So i am really waiting for the day coming!!
this is a great news!!! lolx! go go HJ.. b brave on every action & follow ur heart! ^^ Joongbo lovesss!
of course its not HB, he was a bit reluctant when his wife turned out to be her right?!...he may not like her at first, she may not be his type but.... we saw how he slowly appreciated her, how he took care of her, you cant deny that LOOK he alwayz gave her during the show, how he was happy with her during the show, how he fell for her slowly..if that ain't true..then he's a very good actor!.....A VERY GOOD ONE! but i cant be fooled! no way!
Oh...I root for uri Joongbo... But I dunno if he really is talking abt Hwangbo here... It may or may not be Hwangbo but whomever Hwangbo chooses is one LUCKY fella! Love you Hwangbo Unni!!! :D
im a big xman fan too..... and I agree... i also think it was YEH.... i think it was the last episode for YEH before she starts filming GOONG when he suddenly danced for her when everybody thinks it will be PKL.... even YEH looked shocked... and KJK..who was always the man for YEH during xman days reacted too..... but of course... im a JOONGBO lover.... i hope that IM wrong! hehehe.... and true... i think HJ want to drive us crazy by saying that... because if you do not really watch xman you will think Hwang Bo is the instant answer.....awww HJ your driving me crazy!....
i read so many things her like wgm is just a show,ideal woman,liked from x man while filming.sighhhhhhhhhhh,feeling lonely for HWANGBO ......Hwangbo shi,your a good woman,with a strong HEART.one day a brave man will take care and protect you and he was the lucky guy.DONT RULE YOUR HEART WITH LONELINESS .RULE IT WITH HOPEFUL DREAM...to HJ who ever your woman is i wish you happiness..
as much as i want to believe it's hwangbo, i don't think he's talking about her... cuz he said so before that he never thought about dating older woman until wgm came along. joongbo forever~
LOL XMAN is the PAST ladies. Joongbo IS NOW
its me SYADAWON (NOW A DAYS) HAHAHAHA.whoever the XMAN woman will be the WGM woman thinking..thinking make me wandering hhahahahahahahah.
I also do not think its HB, but its the past and things do change. As much as I like them to end up together, I am starting to think that it may be wishful thinking, but still carrying on wishing, who knows! But whoever they meet and be with in the future if not each other I know the chemistry they showed in wgm will be incomparable. They showed so much harmony and true characteristics of being in a happy relationship.
hi guys if you think its YEH for HJ .I think its Micky for Hwangbo.. fair enough right...hehehehe
how about yunho.lol She likes unni-hb too.hahhaha!
yup!!! u know yunho will be a good candidate too. he had remain consistent with the type of woman he likes (who definitely describe our HB). my heart is aching just by thinking that its not going to be our HJ. but our HB deserves to be happy in love too.
Unni hwawnabo you are the best. Shillang where are you?lol
its about time to give us some clues ;)
i'm a hardcore xman fan too.. and a hardcore fan of hwangbo since xman days.. i dont think he refers to her.. cos his eyes were all on yeh or stephanie.. he didnt even choose hwangbo..
i'm sure xman is a past.. i'm sure he started to grow on hb during wgm.. but at the same time, they are celebrities, they have to move on..
the program was already aired(I guess)...can someone please tell us who this celebrity was??? please :D!!!!!!
sorry for my english :( i'm not good on it
I also agreed that she might be "yoon eun hye". (1) she is same age and he said he never thought to date older woman (2)He had tried to approached her in X Man (3)He said this after WGM 'cuz Eun Hye has a boyfriend alraedy (Kim Jong Kuk) BTW, he changed his thought since he has jioned WGM.
Hwanbo & Hyunjoong were together xm#42ep.94 - xm#46ep.102-103
hold on..i watched that video..but he didnt specifically mention that the show was xman..but it sure was a variety show..when the MCs asked him what show it was,he just smiled and said that he didn't know..i think he just refused to answer..it might be WGM(its a variety show too,but it's just my wishful thinking..lol) i sure hope it's hwangbo though...i miss their times in WGM...
I totally think its yoon eun hye, because in every introduction dance he just couldn't take his eyes off her...
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