Hey there guys, good news! KPN was met with huge success in terms of ratings and viewer reactions! Lots of them said that Hyun Joong's acting was better than they had expected, and the overall performances from the actors were great, mirroring the comic greatly!
I am too exhausted to translate articles right now, but I'll try do them tomorrow! And most probably will be able to download the drama tomorrow too!! So anticipate!
*Credits: Empas News*
I am too exhausted to translate articles right now, but I'll try do them tomorrow! And most probably will be able to download the drama tomorrow too!! So anticipate!
*Credits: Empas News*
waahh I'm excited! thanks chonsa!
Muack muack!!! You're the BEST Chonsa!!! ;)
thank you and look forward to seeing it
can't wait for your translations! i'm starting to watch it-- so good so far!
for me who only compare it to the manga, this drama is pretty terrible so far.
too much exaggeration, and Hyunjoong was somewhat stiff in his character, although Rui was supposed to be 4D, but Hyunjoong made it seem like he's 'aware' of it, not so natural...
but the exaggerated Jandi is scarier.
oh well, too bad cuz i'm rooting all for the Korean version, since my fav boyband boys are in it. i just can't ignore what i see though.
do hope my opinion will change, if i still have the heart to continue watch it.
Aigoo. Honey if u compare it to the manga ALL versions have sucked then. The manga is a masterpiece and no one will make a fair translation to drama from it.
Based on a drama fan POV. I found it funny.. But GHS is over acting quite a bit disturbing. Overall i loved the rest
thank u. where i can find n download this drama
i saw the first episode without subs of course !
and yes the cast was awesome !
hyun joong was good ,domyougi actor was very impressive and tsukushi was really a revelation for me !
i hope they succeed in the drama!
it's lamy!
Thank goodness. I think both HB and HJ can get a good sleep now... HJ was worried about the success of the drama... HB was worried about HJ's health... I guess he doesn't need to call his Buin anymore due to stress.
fist of all you're the BEST!! for me chonsa . Thanks for your translate in advance ^^.
thx chonsa for the update! :) cant wait for tomorrow!
Can't wait to see HJ in the drama ... I'm excited for your translations and download , chonsa ..thanks inadvance !More power to you !
HJ , congrats !!!! Hope to see you getting better in your acting as days go by ..
JoongBo , Way to go !!!!!
once again... HJ stand out in the poster!! LOLX.. i believe i'm not biased rightt..
great to hear he did well.. so for now he deserve some rest already.. and joongbo rocks still..
miss them.. ^_-v
I was really anticipated the dorama. I'm a big fan of original comic and taiwan ver.dorama.
Yesterday's raiting was pretty good! 14,3%!
That was first epi and first shooting for them. There are rooms they can improve more. But still dorama looks nice! I will continue to see and anticipate todays epi 2 which rui's first lover comes out.
I'm really happy today and wanna say to HJ "congratulation and fighting!!".
Chonsa, thanks for updating~!
LMH was awesome, he's really an actor so into the part he really deserves the lead role. as for GHS i agree she overacts but well give it a break it's just the 1st ep. HJ was an eyecandy there changing tops but hope he could bring more to his character
Wow, it seems like the first ep. was pretty good. I had doubts about this drama and HJ's acting ability but many here and soompi has been saying HJ was good in here. So definitely going to give it a go. Thanks chonsa.
wow. i cant wait to watch. i want to watch when the sub comes (i dont understand even a tiny bit of korean even though ive been watching dramas and variety shows since forever) so that i can fully appreciate and understand everything. i glad our shillang got good reviews. thx!
HJ really was better than I expected. I was actually surprised myself. I was under no illusion that he would be oscar worthy, in fact I was quite ready to see him acting badly. But I am so so so glad that his hardwork is paying off. His acting is much much better that I had thought.
yay..though i havent watched the drama..but hearing all those good reviews enough to make me grinning frm ear to ear...haha..but when i saw hj performing these days he looks really tired(ive also watched the part where hj keeps on adjusting his outfit=v funny)..y not we suggest him to get some rest n ask buin to prepare him that ginseng soup send them an email to let them knw or sth..haha...im just xpressing my concern on hj..bet hb is worried sick bout him too...
nyway..congrats hj...pls take good care of ur health...
wow, so happy to hear that!!
i hope hyunjoong can take a rest now
he is so stand out among another member in hana yori dango
Hyun Joong was pretty good but uninteresting. His portrayal was very unique but hopefully with time he'll put more of his personal touch with the character. At the moment, he's playing Oguri Shun-playing-Rui.
Jandi is over-acting. She only needs to tone it down. X_X
The drama didn't meet up to the hype or crush the comparisons to the JP version. It just wasn't terrible. I don't know, at this point it seems like we should wait and see how it develops.
ah..now that the drama is out...hem what more can i say..hj is indeed a multi talented star..(though two thumbs up to other actors as well)i don know whether if its just only me but i couldnt notice any f4 members but hj or the so call ji hoo..he plays his part quite well for the 1st week ep.BUT to tell you the truth among all roles that he has played so far..i like him playing shillang sitting side by side with his buin the MOST!!call me bias but ive noticed that this is where he looks really sincere and happy all the time regardless what they both did..be it ice skating/mountain hiking/plucking those chilles/performin wif buin/teasing her as much as he could etc etc..i mean if we are truly happy we cant hide it right???..thats the case wif hj in WGM.boy, prolly i miss them too much..wont u guys agree...??owh i kinda like him wif his dong saeng too..im just not used to his new role yet...nevertheless..again congrats to hj..chonsa any news on hb yet?kinda miss her too...tq
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