Hyun Joong's revelation of his ideal girl being someone who was as comfortable to be around like a friend has garnered much attention.
Hyun Joong, who has been acting as Yoon Ji Hoo in KPN made a surprising revelation as to his preferred ideal woman.
He revealed that he liked women who were like friends to him, and that the side of him that he showed while he was on WGM with Hwang Bo was similar to the real him.
He said that he would like to meet a girlfriend who did not need each other to say mushy words to each other, but could be someone like a friend. He also added that he would like for her to be someone that he could meet wearing slippers at the supermarket outside the apartment for a can of beer and jerky and still be happy.
He said that before he liked women who were pretty and kind, but now age no longer mattered to him as long as she was someone well matched with him.
*Credits: Empas News*
Hyun Joong, who has been acting as Yoon Ji Hoo in KPN made a surprising revelation as to his preferred ideal woman.
He revealed that he liked women who were like friends to him, and that the side of him that he showed while he was on WGM with Hwang Bo was similar to the real him.
He said that he would like to meet a girlfriend who did not need each other to say mushy words to each other, but could be someone like a friend. He also added that he would like for her to be someone that he could meet wearing slippers at the supermarket outside the apartment for a can of beer and jerky and still be happy.
He said that before he liked women who were pretty and kind, but now age no longer mattered to him as long as she was someone well matched with him.
*Credits: Empas News*
Hwang BO unni totally changed Hyun Joong's oppa's perspective towards his IDEAL woman. (:
i hoop that is Hwang bo
also hoping his ideal woman is none other than HB !!!!!
Go Joongbo !!!!!!
i hope so too,but people changes,time changes,whoever HJ ideal woman is? lets wait until he got married...and so ahhhhhhhh...that his ideal woman...to my dear Hwangbo we still love you forever,My grandma said YOUR A WONDERFUL WOMAN WITH A BIG HEART...
if kim hyun joong change but i'm not change i still love hwang bo
hwang bo forever
his idea sound like HB. the way he described the situation seems like it already happened. it make me think of HB offered HJ 24/7 when he needs her. could that be the scene after WGM end and it happened between both of them? i am just in my joongbo dream
This totally sounds like he's promoting WGM rather than BOF... All I have to say is that Joongbo forever!
oooh something about them and wgm lovely!! MISS YOU JOONGBO <3
also hope that the girl is HB
I think he is saying like this since before WGM.
After WGM his dream girl age changed i think. after WGM he said age is not important.
me too I love HwangBo forever~!!
that interview was done during the wgm. Hope he didn't changed yet regarding his feelings to hwangbo. Love unni hwangbo. She's the best.
Mwahaha, well, they a)shared beer and b)shared churros. Churros is close enough to jerky.
Is this what he said during YSMM? With regards to the question about WGM?
hwangbo tottally changed him!!! love hwangbo!!
his ideal woman totally screams HWANGBO!
If he changes that is his lost. Yunho always wants Hwangbo, she is his ideal woman all along. He has the gut to say it in public. I wish Hyun Joong can do the same, never mind his career, just say it out loud and clear "Hwang Bo is my idael girlfriend."
What? Yunho's ideal girl is Hwangbo? I always thought that he likes the girl from "My Sassy's Girl" (forgot what her name is). and I heard that Micky's ideal girl is hwangbo... *confused*... Can someone clear my doubts?
From what HJ said it does seem like his ideal girl is Hwang Bo. But like many of you if its not then that's his loss. No matter what happen in the future I'm just happy to know Hwang Bo changed him somehow in some ways. So no matter how far HJ gets in his career, there was a turning point in his life and that was Hwang Bo. LOL JoongBo fighting!!!
when i watched Come to Play WGM.there was a guy who mentioned that HJ ideal woman was Lee Hyori..but HJ choosed HB if he got married...correct me if i am wrong
TO THE WORLD.........HWANGBO is MY GIRL hhahahahahahaha
YOUHUHUHU!!!(hwangbo remarks when she's happy) ^___^ haha...go hj go hb...thats the way it should be..giving hint to us bit by bit...lets jus wait for them to come clean sooner or later...im soo happy...ive began to like hj as ji-hoo too...these two are driving me mad..haha..joongbo hwaiting!!!
Check out Hwang Bo's cyworld. the main theme is Hyun Joong, upper right corner's symbols are Lion, Camera & Star. How supportive Hwang Bo is? She is very great woman. I hope HJ doesn't let go of his catch. She is too good.
i hope to hear more good news!!
Hwangbo forever. If Yunho and Mickey are proud to say hb is their ideal woman. Hope Hj can do it too. Come on...HJ you can do better. Popularity is only temporary but Hb is forever.lol. Yunho is cute.hahaha!
@JJ: Actually, Yunho said he likes the CHARACTER in " My sassy girl" whose personality is like Hwangbo's. In Mnet Favorite, the way he described his ideal girl resembles Hwangbo. 2 years ago, in Love Letter, I think Yunho showed some interests in Hwangbo too. You can check these shows on Youtube to see for yourself. And well, Micky answered in the 100 questions that his ideal girlfriend and the celebrity he wanted to date was Hwangbo. I don't know if it's still true, but definitely DBSK boys had some interests in Hwangbo. Anyway, to me, Joongbo is still the best, the match made in heaven ! Go Joongbo!
i love joongbo too much, but in the mean time, im empathy with HJ who keep been asking bout his ideal girl now, and i think he's been ask this kind of Q too many times already, before and even after WGM.. but i think the question keep appear after the show.. this thing slipped into my mind when people keep talking bout when he explaining his ideal girls nowadays. thinking that HJ must be tired to answer the same Q over and over again,and i guess he must be like,"i keep hinting u guys already with my infinite answers that i like someone who is comfortable with me,knows me better than my friends, who can talk and i can treat like a friend. even more,age now doesnt matter as long as i love that person". well, honestly, people /public netizen just want to know one thing, which is, his ideal girl is Hwangbo, noneothers. He's actually trying to explain this by hinting all those things all this while, but pity him, he keep been asking over and over again on this matter. Im not going to b surprise if one day he feeling tiresome and he gonna answer simply, " My ideal girl is someone like Hwangbuin".. :) HJ fighting! Hwangbo, Fighting! 아자 아자 파이팅! 힘내세요! Chonsa, 파이팅! 고마워...
thanks for answering my question. :) I'm a fan of Joongbo couple too.
oHhh what is this article about??
revealing his relationship with his buin to us (joongboers)??!! lolx.. he is simply describing his buin.. isnt it?!! heeheex
KHJ very consistent with his answers!!! Who else became his friend? Buin? who else is he comfortable with? Buin!!
much said - he is describing HB already even from before they did WGM - meaning - they are fated to see each other and be together this time!!
there was show that Yunho was asked about his ideal woman and etc.then Kim Hyung Rok said i know a woman like that HWANGBO.WOW if Yunho will not change hmmmmnnn,good luck he must be lucky guy Hwangbo was so precious.Buin take your time choose the man that will love you forever...to chonsa thank you very much.FIGHTING...............
i think hyun joong describing hwang bo as his ideal girl... hope they can be together again... i miss them so much...
I believe, I believe, I BELIEVE!
And, yea, HB has lotsa admirers around her! Who are all so moshisseo~ U-Know YunHo is one of them.. And who could ever forget Kyung-Rok's serenade on X-Man? *sighs.. There may be many many others, who are keeping quiet, and admiring from afar..
Hmm.. For now that is.. ^^
if he didn't want to answer directly, it 's o.k.
hope they'll be together.
thks chonsa.
it like he was saying....
"hwangbo" cough "hwangbo" hahahaha... got it from SSangchu Heaven!.....
still believing!
if yunho really like our hwang bo i love it too u-know yunho is not bad i think why not??? go go fighting
Go Joongbo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HB and HJ ----- a match made in heaven !!!
hahahahaah.....im getting confused this topic is very interesting..Yunho/Hwangbo, Micky/Hwangbo,Kyung Rok/Hwangbo,Hyung joong/Hwangbo......and the best couple is JOONGBO......Chonsa your great,make us smile and puzzled,thank you.
HAHA,I can't wait, I am looking forward to see who will be the lucky guy Hwangbo end up with. Commo guys, go!
i bet if HB is asked now what her ideal kind of guy is, she'd probably end up describing HJ, too.
People change as they get older. I'm sure you guys will change change, too for an example: you might like something or someone but then as time goes by your thought change about that. But afterall, this is joongbo blog so it is always nice to have anything hj said has something relate to HB. or vice versa.
joongbo forever, fightin... people change and yet if you are persistent that he/she is the one for you. It doesn't matter. You just have to believe that whatever the obstacles are, he/she is destined to be with you. For my dear unni hb, fightin.... whoever you choose they will be lucky to have you. Rare woman to have and hold for the rest man's life.
I really happy to see the comment here. I'm a big fan of HB.
seems like many people love her~!
She is the person who can be happy with her man and family=!
But she has a lot of passion to many kind of world. so she need more sole tim,i think.
So we HB fan need to wait to hear happy news from her.
WGM made HJ a matured person, he learned a lot from HB and became more considerate. just like when he was having his last words to their future spouses.... that her husband must not bring HB to the place HB & HJ been, because HB will be sad when she reminisces the happy moments that happened to both of them.
thanks chonsa for the updates... ^ ^
I don't possess even half of HB's very good personality and beauty ,but God gave me a very kind and wonderful husband ,who came from a foreign country with totally diff.culture and with a big age gap , but we get along fine ...So what I'm pointing is ,HB deserve a very good husband( bec. of her beautiful personality inside and out ) and if it's God's will , HB and Hj will end up with each other no matter what happens along the way ... God will find a way ...True love comes but once in a lifetime...I'm staying positive !!!
If they're not meant to be , I hope they will find somebody deserving of their love .
Que sera sera !!!
Go JoongBo !!!!
oh no...let them be,we never know they are just waiting for the right time.Hi Chonsa i hope HJ/HB had a time to read our simple wish.
WISH that may come true someday.Ssorry,Joongbo we knew its your private life,but you are in the world of entertainment,we laugh,we cried,watching WGM.....
Chonsa take care ....xoxoxoxo
I agree. Hope they have chance to read this and able to access this site. We are silently praying that they will so that they will know that they were love and cared. Joongbo fightin.
Oooohhhh it would just be so0000000 great if his ideal girl is HwangBo.....it just HAS TO be her. Hopefully one day he will just blurt it out!!!! Drives me crazy, all these speculations.
I wish HJ soon realized what HB meant to him, unless he would loss her soon. Hope HJ is mature enough to know that the relationship of them in WGM are real or just a show.
In YSMM, Kang ho dong asked HJ what song he will sing for his love one. HJ said he would sing "Bogoshida" for her. We could see Kong Ho Dong who is a good friend of HB show his supprised face after he get the answer from HJ. As we know, KHD is MC of X-man and HJ jioned the show many time, HJ should know well that KHD is a good friend of HB. I think he would like to confirm something to KHD.
For the song "Bogoshida", I wanna believe that HJ wanna play the piano and sing this song to HB 'cuz even at the end, he could not play the paino of this song to HB. Therefore, I bet he will do it. He is a person who keep his promise same as HB done the mission to him in her concert.
HJ is not a perfect husband type, but HB has turned him to be a better man. They looked perfect together. It would be so sad if they turn to be strangers in the future because of HJ's career ladder. Trust HB will find her true love and hope HJ will walk with HB all the way along.
Love him so much
the kind of his girl is me
can be me?
Even now, HJ's ideal girl stays the same ... i miss joongbo so much ^_^
Hwangbo is the best <3
hope she can find her happiness (=
i dun mind who she'll end up to as long as her shinlang is nice to her ^^
I admire Yunho and Mickey's saying that Hwangbo is their ideal woman...they have the guts and did that affect their popularity? nope TVSQ/DBSk is way way more popular i Japn and Korea now than SS501. I hope yunho pursue his ideal girl hwangbo ...love them together
i became a fan of hwangbo after watching WGM, i came to know it bec i like hyunjoong but i end up loving HWANGBO unni..if i were a guy i would ask her to marry me ...though i am also a joonboer but when i knew about Yunho ..again after searching for more clips about UNNI ..i think he really loves her ..and he had interviews desc her ideal girl and it perfectly fits HWANGBO ..
HWANGBO i hope you find the guy that would really appreciate you and will love you and make you happy bec you deserve the best
Im a joongbo fan but everytime HJ is asked about his ideal woman his answer is consistent it lee hyori. Maybe he should just go ahead and go after LH. Hwangbo have a lot of men going after her too, and Yunho is one of them. YH and HB have a lot of things in commom...friends, charity etc. YH is always consistent that his ideal dream/woman is hwangbo, he's not even scared to announce it in national TV. I wish hwangbo will choose the right man. She deserves to be happy <<<333
by far my most favorite couple on wgm ever! they were the couple i fell in love with because of their natural-ness and their chemsitry, they were SO well matched, well done producers on this one, because the couples after alsin, ansol, joongbo and ant couple were ridiculous, fake and boring. after those 4 couples left the show, it literally died for me, until kwon and gain came along, they literally SAVED wgm when it was hanging by a thread. haha this comment has turned into a rant about wgm. what i just wanted to say is, it would be THE best if joongbo got together in reality, boy that would be a fairytale ending. from wgm the 2 couples that i hope will really get together at some point in life are joongbo and kwon-gain couples
okay so i've been a strong joongbo fan since wgm, hwangbo has become my idol and i think so highly of her. i've always wanted joongbo to get together but after doing some research how yunho's ideal woman is hwangbo and how it truly seems like he loves her i really hope they get together and that he can make her happy. i'm now a joongbo and yunbo supporter. as long as she ends up with either of them i will be very happy! she is a great girl and deserves only the greatest man!
Who is the best welcome in FANs to as Hwangbo's husband and kid's dady:
1。정윤호 Yun ho 郑允浩(loving 99%)
2。강동원 Kang Dong won 姜东元(like?)
3。이승기 Lee Seung Gi 李胜基(liking 50%)
4。김현중 Kim hyun joong 金贤重(loved 30%)
5。오종혁 OhJonghyuk 吴钟赫(loving?)
6。김경록 Kim Kyung Rok 金京禄(loving 90%)
7。김기범 Kim Kibum 金基范(loved 20%)
8。Brain(loving 50%)
9。믹키유천 micky 朴有天(loved 20%)
10。최시원 Choi Si won 崔始源(liked 5%)
We will support the idol who has the brave to marry with her!
Im a Joongbo fan as well, but after searching the net about Buin I also came across of Yunho, which I came to like & love for our Buin. Check this out:
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