I finally managed to watch the live stream of KPN 6 tonight with Sharry!! And 'AAAHHH'!!! I can't wait to watch 3, 4 and 5!!!!!!!!

It was a good episode, both funny and sad... There were a lot of scenes that had us laughing our heads off! Like the one above!
But then... there were scenes that made us just sigh as well... Aigoo...
There were so many lines that Jun Pyo said that just melted my heart... I want me a man that loves me as much as Jun Pyo loves Jandi... and the way he begged her to say once that she likes him and the way he walked away and you see the downfallen Jandi trying to convince herself that she won't regret this... when she obviously already does... *sigh*
Anyways, we'll be working on the reviews over the weekend, sorry it's taken so long guys. Mostly my fault, since I've been unable to watch the drama at all. But I will! Over the weekend! I promise! ^^!!
And to make up for not posting regularly, Sharry and me present all of you with eye candy! Enjoy guys!!!


It was a good episode, both funny and sad... There were a lot of scenes that had us laughing our heads off! Like the one above!
But then... there were scenes that made us just sigh as well... Aigoo...
There were so many lines that Jun Pyo said that just melted my heart... I want me a man that loves me as much as Jun Pyo loves Jandi... and the way he begged her to say once that she likes him and the way he walked away and you see the downfallen Jandi trying to convince herself that she won't regret this... when she obviously already does... *sigh*
Anyways, we'll be working on the reviews over the weekend, sorry it's taken so long guys. Mostly my fault, since I've been unable to watch the drama at all. But I will! Over the weekend! I promise! ^^!!
And to make up for not posting regularly, Sharry and me present all of you with eye candy! Enjoy guys!!!

Thank you Chonsa1 ^_^
Thanks Chonsa!
The pictures are so cool and realistic.
Seems like his inner sense comes out through those pictures.
Anyway, still looking forward to see our couple back together again.^^
OMG, he look soooooo FREAKING HOT!!!
melting and DROOLING at the sametime.
PS: Please, someone take me to the hospital now. LMAO
I'm so proud of our little groom getting better and better as the drama progress...Hwaiting HJ!!!!
HJ looks hot! *faints* *dies*
OH!!!! melted!! totally melted!!
how can anybody resist him??!! and he belong to buin!! best couple ever.. heeheex..
Kim Hyun Joong appears more relax....he's definitely improving and I can't be more thrilled....looking forward to the upcoming episodes. My only complaint is that...he does alot of kissing and hugging girls...it's no wonder he says the PD must like him...out of the F4...he got the most major skinship..lol. Hopefully he calls buin during those times like he said he would. I just wish it was buin he grabs and hugs close to him like he does with Jandi....if only he had done that at least once on we got married....sigh...so sad.
Sooooo glad HJ is doing well....so glad the drama is doing well...the other F4 are awesome too. They are definitely the better F4...watched the Taiwanese and Japanese version, they were good...Korean version makes more sense...hope they keep it up.
HJ is getting more and more bright!
Compared with 1 year ago HJ has grown really much like Baby.
It's so impressive!
because of HB???
I believe that is one of the reason.
But why i feel like something lacking from HJ's Roll.
If i need to choose the character from F4,i choose defenitely "Rui".
But untill now i can not like "Rui" in korean version.
oh, chonsa, hj looks so thin T_T
someone over at hb's soompi thread posted something about an interview. is it a recent one?
hopefully you can share with us^^ looking forward to it!
thank you!
I want to add to extra scenes from the drama that I really like. First is the one Jihoo was hugging the little flower girl. It was adorable and see emotion in his eyes. HJ is soo cute with kids. The second one was at the end of the fishing scene, the lingering look/smile, fans will definitely fall in love with Jihoo if the PD n HJ show more this side of his.
Hyunjoong is much much better this episode and I am really relieved. He did the balcony scene very well, and his scene with Yijung near the end is actually my favourite scene in this episode. Leader, fighting!
hi there chonsa..nice photos...i read d interview...sigh..it feels like being stabbed in the heart when he said that he has moved on after wgm...though it seems harsh to us joongboers but for d sake of his career i bet his management wont let cheesy stuff to slipped out just like that...i try to be as positive as possible regarding this issue jus like how buin handles hj..hope d media would interview buin too(which im sure it would be more or less the same when it comes to answerin questns related to WGM or hj): (...btw im in da middle of dl-ing KPN ep 6..hearing those good reviews makes mee sooo excited..high hopes for hb n hj..hwaiting!!!!!!!!!!sigh again..
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