Hwang Bo will be appearing on her Bobbi Brown show on the 23rd at 10 p.m. (Korean time) on Olive TV.
She will be undertaking the challenge as a makeup artist, and will be guided by a Bobbi Brown senior makeup artist, Sabastian.
She stated that she had always wanted to be a makeup artist ever since she was young and that despite the fact that she was worried about the language barrier and the schedule, she has set her mind to work hard.
She will be learning the '10 step makeup' from Sabastian, where she will be learning the basic techniques of makeup application as well as applying her own style, which brought about applause by the senior makeup artist.
She also spent some time at the cafe just watching and studying the styles and trends of Hong Kong women, displaying her keeness in the subject matter.
*Credits: Empas News*
She will be undertaking the challenge as a makeup artist, and will be guided by a Bobbi Brown senior makeup artist, Sabastian.
She stated that she had always wanted to be a makeup artist ever since she was young and that despite the fact that she was worried about the language barrier and the schedule, she has set her mind to work hard.
She will be learning the '10 step makeup' from Sabastian, where she will be learning the basic techniques of makeup application as well as applying her own style, which brought about applause by the senior makeup artist.
She also spent some time at the cafe just watching and studying the styles and trends of Hong Kong women, displaying her keeness in the subject matter.
*Credits: Empas News*
I'm HwangBoHolic!!
oO, I can't wait to see it!!! Finally something on Hwang Bo again after a long hiatus.
she must learn good techniques as she looks so gorgeous lately... can't wait to see the show ^^
thanks for the news!
love everything about Gorgeous HwangBo!
Yay! Go Hwang bo! Show them your talent! :D
Thank you for posting the news!
owh..hwangbo hwangbo....party on!!!haha..keep on rockin girl..u r d coolest person ive ever seen..mushy mushy stuff..yess..if only im a man i'll stalk her and hooked up wif her jus so that hj will get jealous...hmmm thanks chonsa
I love HB !!!!!!!!! Go ,go,go, !!
hb fighting! i'm also hb holic. Everytime I open my pc, sure go to youtube and type hb name. after that sure go to her cyworld.
What happen with me? I'm a girl but everything about hb i must know.
hwangbo is good at everything. Such a perfect woman she is ..
i heard HB is going to film a drama soon.
chonsa, is it true ? did u hear anyth'g abt this ? thanks.
On the picture I noticed hwang bo is reading something... What's that? a contract? coz it looks like the MARRIAGE promise thingy that HJ and BUIN made. LOL!
HB jjang !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is she really going to film a dorama?!?!?!?!?!
If this is real, i must see the drama! Someday i will see her in a drama and wanna hear her new album too.
hwAngbO nunna...HWaiting!~
make shillang proud!~
sometimes i do feel Hwang BO is under-rated. She is so good at everything but she didnt get enough chance to shine at the entertainment world.
Wish her best of luck !
can't wait to see the show tomorrow ..
i like hj but i always love hb.
luv u hwangbo. miss you. ur' my inspiration. fightin...
today is the day!! so long i've waited today! I'm so exited!
It has touched it! It has reached it!
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