I was browsing through the news portals and saw a few interesting bits of news, so I decided to share!


1) MBC is showing WGM reruns every Saturday at 5 p.m. (Korean time) on MBC Every1. This includes JoongBo episodes as well!
Gosh, I wish they would come back on the show...

2) TBS will be featuring a SS501 in the States special, starting this month on the 27th at 7.50 p.m. to 8.50 p.m. with reruns on Saturday at 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Next month's broadcast will be on the 2nd of July at 10.50 a.m. to 11.50 a.m.
*Credits: ss601.com*
Gosh, I wish they would come back on the show...

2) TBS will be featuring a SS501 in the States special, starting this month on the 27th at 7.50 p.m. to 8.50 p.m. with reruns on Saturday at 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. Next month's broadcast will be on the 2nd of July at 10.50 a.m. to 11.50 a.m.
*Credits: ss601.com*
me too.. i really love hwang bo n hyun joong.. miss them...
how many times i watch it..
i wiLL nevEr gEt borED of them!~
anD mostLy...my prayers aRE....witH themm...i do hopE they stiLL haVe feeLings 4eAch othEr...and rumoRs thAt saying HJ doesn't think abOut his feeLings whiLe in WGM eRA thoSe days aRe not truE...i mean...some said thAt he doesn't think about the time while he was in WGM.~
i hope its not truE...coZ...i watch BOF becauSe i watch HJ in WGM...he reALLY gEt popularity From WGM...then BOF..
i wish they will do the show again as a real couple hehe... maybe next year
i wanna see them wherever together.
miss my JoongBo.
as much as i want these two to be back together (in real life), i feel that it's really imposible for their relationship to come true.
hyun joong is sooooo young and at the peak of his career.
it's really impossible, impossible, impossible...
sigh :(
my only wish for hwang bo and hyun joong is that their paths cross again. under 'real' circumstances this time, away from the limelight, with no one telling them what to do or not to do. we've all been witnesses to how perfectly their personalities go along, but it must be tough for them to realize that themselves, what with the whole world watching. and so what i hope is for them to have an off-cam chance to see if there's "something worth giving a shot" there. because really, there IS something worth giving a shot there.
cutesy young saeng in the last pic. *saves*
and kyu equates to hotness!
JoongBo fighting!
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