Thanks for sharing this video with us, I was grinning when I watched it!
That lovely mother in law!
Thanks for sharing this video with us, I was grinning when I watched it!
That lovely mother in law!
*Credits: minentertainment from YouTube*
Um after hearing news about the girl from WGM, because she's in a relationship with that guy from shinwa, being dropped from CFs and drama role; I rather, if Joongbo are dating, not reveal anything to the public. If they are in love, keep it private. It won't be a good career move. HB has relatively low profile so it wont affect her as much; but HJ is on his way up and he's only 23. I don't want to see him being dropped like a fly just because he's in a relationship or loosing appeal. I know it's crazy but entertainment industry is crazy like that. I feel really bad for that girl because even though she's in a relationship with this guy, what if they breakup; she'll end up alone and no career?
I totally know what you mean Anon. Lol. that was cute (yet, somehow, a bit embarassing to watch because I could just imagine Hwang Buin's laugh if she saw this). Aww Jung Min. I could see Hyun Joong's expression change a little from his usual "expressionless" look lol.
Aww and Kyu Jong dancing along :P
While this puts my HyunKyu (or Jong/Joong couple, whatever you prefer) hopes down in the dumps *wink*, this def. gives hope for my favorite guilty fantasy Joongbo couple XD
Aww 'mother-in-law' was obviously giving a message to Hwang Bo. I love him!!
Yeah, like you guys, if they are dating, I hope that they keep it secret. I mean, like Anon said, Kim Hyun Joong is at his prime now, plus if he hasn't gone to the army yet etc...
Hope it will work out for them: friendship, love relationship, whatever... I will always be a JoongBo supporter :)
can't really understand how Korean showbiz works. As long as the celebrity is working hard, why would they put so much emphasis in the personal relationships? Hayzz...this is probably why JoongBo couple cannot do what they like. Nonetheless, I support my fave couple.
So the girl that is in the relationship with Junjin (Shinwa) was dropped from CF and dramas...Why? What about Junjin...he is going into the army, how does this affect him? I don't understand what celebraties personal relationship has anything to do with his/her career. As a fan, I find them more attractive when they can show they can have both. It shows us fans that we can too. The ones who are able to have both a life outside of work as well having to work, manages to have a good life, a normal life...shows us that if a famous person can have/maintain good relationship despite of being busy...so can we. Does that make sense.
However, elated I am that they may be in a relationship....I agree that it would be best if they kept it a secret for now....I just don't understand Asian entertainment world. I just don't agree with it more than not understanding it. You would think fans out there would be happy knowing that there idols are happy and has someone to lean on during hard times in their lifes...its not like their idols could call them up just to talk about their worries....it would be all over the news. Joongbo fighting, I will continue to support you regardless if you two are together as friends, lovers or not together at all.
I laugh and smile wide after saw this.Thanks for sharing very much.All of member had expression change after jungmin do that.
love youngsaeng smile and look to hyunjoong and kyu who start to dance along.Look like they very fun to tease their leader and their leader can't do anything back like this.
Really wish hwangbo can see this. She will know how much the boys miss her hahaha.
and sad for Shi Young being droped from her CF and drama because just she have her lover.I'm shinhwachangjo and start worry if they didn't have a girlfriend at their age.^^
Hi chonsa!
What made me giddy and go crazy was when I saw 2 other versions of that promo video. In the two other vids they were not as random as the one w/ JM's tektonik teasing. They looked so stiff (one shows JM not moving at all, while the other one looked totally scripted and I assume is the official vid). Seemed like they had to redo the video and the boys got scolded. So cute... totaly cute!!! Love JM mother-in-law!!!
I'm fine if they (HJ & HB) keep mum about this. Even if they do not reveal anything, we'd kind of be able to know how they are with people like our wonderful mum-in-law dropping obvious hints like this!!!
Agreed that it might hamper HJ's way up in his career in Korea's entertainment scene. Yea, it's crazy isn't it. One day you're hot and another they can just drop you like a fly.
I'm fine if they (HJ & HB) keep mum about this. Even if they do not reveal anything, we'd kind of be able to know how they are with people like our wonderful mum-in-law dropping obvious hints like this!!!
Agreed that it might hamper HJ's way up in his career in Korea's entertainment scene. Yea, it's crazy isn't it. One day you're hot and another they can just drop you like a fly.
that's what i did when i saw the video!!! guess i saw it last week... something like that...
gosh!!!! i'm sooooooo happy!!!!
nevermind if they don't become public!!!! if i was only 99% sure that they were together, now i'm 99,99%!!!!
LOve mother-in-law, love joongbo as usual ^^
I just wonder: "Is it a hint mother-in-law give us ?" haha
what did jungmin say???
i dont understand,,, there is no eng sub...........
i'm too late...the clip nwas o longer there TT_TT
it would be amazingly great it if there's anyone manage to save that (old) clip & willingly share it again *___*
(cause I'm seriously dying to see that brother-in-law showing loves to HB ^^)
*sorry,don't mean to spam*
aah..thank God for His Mercy on me ^^
finally got to see that cute clip, fortunately^^ today randomly watched various joongbo's fanvid, one of joongbooers geniously inserted that short clip within her mix *kyaaa*
thank you thank you thank you~~ <3
*stillgrinninglikecrazy* happy~~~
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