There have been so many articles regarding Hyun Joong coming out everyday that I have given up reading every single one of them, and will just be updating everything in a jiffy. Sorry if I've seemed to have not given him any attention at all, but the lazy Chonsa in me is acting up again. ^^
1) Hyun Joong stated in Happy Together that venturing into acting from being a singer was somewhat of a burden as there was a prejudice towards singer-actors. He said that he would often check out the comments that viewers wrote on the board and that he would take the constructive criticism of his work and strive to improve his shortcomings.
This episode of Happy Together will be broadcasted on the 26th.

This episode of Happy Together will be broadcasted on the 26th.

2) DSP has stated that Hyun Joong is set to go to the US to study dancing and singing for a period of about six months. The dates for him to leave for the States has not been set yet, but it should be after the completion of current activities.

3) Hyun Joong said that if he really was Ji Hoo, he would snatch Jandi away from Jun Pyo and that he would try his best to win Jandi's heart. He wouldn't think of the circumstances and would put up a fight against Jun Pyo for Jandi.

4) He also stated that if he had to choose again about acting in KPN, he would still choose to be Ji Hoo as the character he portrays shows a well mannered, romantic person. He said that his friends who watched him in the drama called him up and jokingly said that they were not going to tolerate the side he showed in the drama. He also said that Ji Hoo is very different from the real him.

4) He also stated that if he had to choose again about acting in KPN, he would still choose to be Ji Hoo as the character he portrays shows a well mannered, romantic person. He said that his friends who watched him in the drama called him up and jokingly said that they were not going to tolerate the side he showed in the drama. He also said that Ji Hoo is very different from the real him.
There are other articles, but I will read them later.. Chonsa is sleepy and shall get some rest now. ^^!!
*Credits: Empas News*
of cause! u not jihoo, hj. Jihoo will never ask his girl butt dance in stage...or bet about emotionless on roller coaster! ha ha ha
That make u are u, 4D shillang!
Chonsa is that ture about HB will go aboard for study? I think she will go to japan.. but someone say maybe she go to USA.. the same HJ will go.
So confuse..
Thanks Chonsa for the news. Do you or anyone know what time and which channel Happy Together will be shown? Thanks!
although i m greedy to know all about him or HB, but i understand ur circumstance. do haf rest when u need one. chonsa fighting!!
if I never watched "we got married" I'll probably think hyunjoong's personality is like how he portrayed in BOF. But since I know hyunjoong through "we got married" and know how he's like in real life, i would say he's acting is actually pretty good (especially the later episodes). Keep up with the good work shinlang.
If I understand right,HB mentioned about studying abroad in Radio program with GongYoo im December.
She said she stayed 1 month in LA before and that was so meaningfull and could learn many things.If she can, she want to study in country like US and Japan.
I'm not sure just i read the translation somewhere.
And now i understand, why HJ sings english so well. many people said his english pronouciation is really great in Youtube.
Chonsa, please tell us if it true that HB is thinking about coming to the USA and what she will be doing? Also the thing with HJ... is he really coming to the States? I mean, he has so much going on after the drama with his SS boys, right?
Please tell us of any new regarding joongbo. Thanks for all that you do for us. And yes, sleep all you want cause we can wait.
the Jihoo character is wayyy too GOOD to be TRUE. But some man are close enough. I like Hyun Joong OPPA the way he is, and no matter what he is. (:
thanks much Chonsa. we still love you despite how much lazy u are. take care and take time for your self. cheer!!! (ako/run)
I love HJ as Shilang most because that's 99.9% him. Like anon, Jihoo is way too good to be true! Wow, HJ going to the States for 6 months, I heard somewhere that HB will be going too. Does that mean "dating overseas for JoongBo?" LOL Thanks Chonsa for all the news on HJ.
Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight... I wish Kim Hyun Joong, The leader of SS501 yeah that one , one of the Korean f4 to come to Usa. L.A (my college ****** )I promise I'll tutor him till he speak like a fluent American or Scottish.
me: Annierella M
Ps: If in 6 months and he's still not fluent, I'm available to give free tutor out of state as long as I can tag along. Thank you.
Me again: Annierella M
thaNks chonsa 4 dA neWs...
die ing to now more bout him..and also...hwangBo nunna....
hurm..reaLLy miss them badLy...
HB is coming to the US in March - she has something going on and will be in different States - it's called 2009 My Compassion. I don't really know what it is all about. Maybe she will also start looking for places for HJ (and her) to stay while in the US. USA is way too far for HJ not to have anybody to take care of him - especially if he has to study. Not unless he will be staying with his older brother who is here in the US for his studies. HB should be around to take care of him.
Joongbo is trying to run away from the korean media - if it is true, their relationship would be a big issue - especially to the antis!!
sorry, but it was not his decision to leave for the states, it was the company who decided. so i don't think that they are running away together in that sense of the word. besides, he's not going there alone, there will definitely be some people to follow him there, make sure that he's studying well and not playing around. how do you expect him to move from schedule to schedule alone? the company would not let him go there alone, look at boa and seven. they all have people with them while they are in the states.
i do think that him in the states would give the both of them freedom though, at least so much more than in korea. hopefully she makes frequent visits to wherever he's at!
^ it was not his company. He wanted to go. Its is stated in all of the news article's.
IF he goes it will be already by June.
Hb company want her to go. will not be in the same state. Does anyone confirm which state Hj is going to be? no body know it yet, so how can you know that Hb will not be in the same state as Hj?
Company want her to go. off course. the company the manager, going to USA or any places to work right? SPECIAL WGM or spin off are also considering as working. and coming to USA, they chance being recognized by fans are pretty small compare to Asian place. and I'm still hanging my hope as high as can be for this two to meet and hang out. ^_^
Can someone kind enuf to tell us the date that he or Hb will come to US? If he really come to L.A.
I seriously will rent a room closed by at the airport and just semi camp in the airport with white t-shirt so he can't resist not to sign. and camera and ramyeons for him (just in case ^_^ ) and wow.. I can go on and on..
love the simple article about uri HJ...
about the article no 3), i've notice in one of the prog. (YSMM i think) he mention that if he like someone he will try hard to get her...even she is his best friend girlfriend...he said he'd pick love over friendship...
another thing my dear....i've heard and read some where that in between he shooting in KPN he collapse twice due to too it true...???
for those who haven't read the articles, Hyun Joong said 'he wanted to go to the US to study dancing and singing' - he said he got his company's blessing to go - meaning, he asked permission and was allowed to go!!
HB mentioned in Gong Yoo's radio interview she is going to US to study also.
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