As much as I love Hwang Bo, I cannot understand why she would be seen wearing this at a fashion talkshow on Olive TV....
No hair done, and the skirt is awful!!!
Sigh... I don't understand Korean fashion sometimes...
Hang on a sec, I don't want to understand it at all. Lest I start thinking that that look is cute and start sporting it all over town.
And Shar will definitely fly down to where I am just to KILL me.
No hair done, and the skirt is awful!!!
Sigh... I don't understand Korean fashion sometimes...
Hang on a sec, I don't want to understand it at all. Lest I start thinking that that look is cute and start sporting it all over town.
And Shar will definitely fly down to where I am just to KILL me.
hi C...wat u post there it is empty....is something had happen chonsa?
LOL, I think only HB can pull off wearing a skirt like that on the show. I didn't find it that bad, actually kind of cute on her. Thanks Chonsa, I heard they asked alot of questions regarding WGM and HJ. They even show some 100th days wedding pictures of JoongBo. Wonder what was HB's reaction?
HB looks cute & she is glowing...
the guy on the show seems having crush on her and keeps talking so sweet to our buin.. shillang has to be alert ^^
I actually think she looks cute there. weird outfit, i know...but somehow it just works for her
doesn't her outfit remind you of someone's favourite outift for his wife(t-shirt,long skirt except that this skirt isnt long!)....!!!
why hwangbo,why??????????i love hwangbo but this fashion its a No !!
goodness how did you get a HQ version????
it may not work (the outfit)for other woman but it looks superb with hwangbo(sounds familiar??)...though to some people it was not flattering at all..but hwangbo was just being herself..we love her attitude..we love her because she is not trying too hard . She usually make herself comfortable in whatever dress she wore.call me bias but forgive me chonsa but i personally feel that it was not that bad..thank you for sharing the pic though..hehe!!!hi5.
i think she looks pretty with that outfit and shoes. looks like a doll. I like the concept.
just HwangBo can wear pretty.
She has her own fashion taste.
sometimes too much unique and i can not understand. but i like the way she is trying to creat her own style. We don't need to have same fashion with others. Being myself.Having own style. That's more important, I think.
Go Go HwangBo~
You are just you!
I actually find it quite cute on her, heh!
if she removes the ribbon from the skirt, it think it'll be more lovely. why do i think her hair style looks kind of familiar???maybe just my imagination....
I loved it….it worked for her, who say fashion always has to be in the box.
Look at that glow on her face!!!!!
What a beautiful woman.
Bravo HwangBo :-)
Even if Hb wears a sack , I think it will look good on her !!!!Go Hb !!! Love her to bits !
Thanks for the updates chonsa !!
she's the prettiest....
i found it weird at first but later into the show it was ok. she was really pretty and funny.
it's not abt fashion being confined to being in a box, its abt what looks good and what doesn't. and honestly, this outfit looks like one of those early 90s music vids. she is a beautiful woman, but she does know what makes her look even better, and this definitely doesn't. i agree with chonsa, we love her to bits, but that doesn't mean we have to agree with everything she wears. and i think that a sack would look better than this.
i rewatch JB eps 28 and HJ is always talking about the ring dat HB want during their honeymoon ..n that make me think if they r d reason behind the black ring (if only HB get from HJ...really..really hope it yes)..
n once more I have d same thought like Chonsa about how HB dress on Olive TV..it is kinda weird for her dressing like that but suddenly HJ sentences across my mind when he said that proper dress is[b] tshirt n skirt.[/b].another hint that given by JoongBo...
hahahahha ... im dying of spazzing here..Thnks for all jongboers..im away for a week so I still hv to catch up many things here
Its a drunk 90's Popstar outfit.
HB Unnie whenever u see a tutu that looks like a cupcake say NO!!
this just shows HB can wear anything and still look pretty; she can pull it off, no matter what! I think she is promoting the clothes she sells on-line.
about that black ring, if you'll search for SS501 recent concert, HJ is also wearing one.
hwang bo has never had a sense of fashion... that is the fact...
actually it is a sad thing... being in entertainment industry for nearly 10 years and nothing like sense of style. look at fashionista jung ryu won, the total opposite of hb
HB does have fashion sense coz she always goes one step further than anybody so people not so familiar with fashion world will feel that she wears weired. The skirt she wore was shown on the fashion magazine here U.S. lately..
HwangBo is not just model
She is more like design creater
so she goes one step further than anybody
Sharry, you're so funny...
I actually liked the style of her clothing, but not the shoes... I thought she looked cute... I wanted to see her wearing maybe a sleeveless top with that dress, but maybe HJ banned her from that... So I guess she's gotta be in Tees... The shoes, I think if she wore the orange Prada shoes she had on display, it'll look better. To me, I think the shoes are mature looking while her clothes are youthful looking so it's kind of a clash in my opinion.
the outfit reminded me of candy...
specially the skirt... sweet candy
i actually love the unkempt hair and almost nude make-up look on her makes her look fresh...
I rather see HB dressed this way than those slutty outfits wore by so called "fashionistas". Her outfit kind of reminded me of how Carrie dressed in SITC. Those outfits from SITC sometimes are sooo out there, nobody gets it and yet it's fashionable :P HB fighting, keep on dressing as you please!!!!
^ agree with the poster who said something about the other guest--that model looked "charmed" while looking/listening to her.
maybe in person she really is charismatic because even in other shows, whenever she talks, people (esp.guys) listen attentively.
i dunno about her outfit but all i can say is that i can never pull that off -- but She managed to look cute and fresh, so *shrugs*.
i guess regardless of what shes wearing, her sense of style seems playful and interesting.
playful and intresting!
her outfit has originality!
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