Hwang Bo revealed that Ryu Shi Won is a man that she would want to marry after she attended his concert held in Tokyo last December.
This was revealed in the recent recording of Infinity Girls which had the Valentine's Day theme whereby they hand made chocolates for someone that they wanted to thank from the bottom of their hearts.
She said that he was someone whom she could chat on the phone with when she was bored and that he always bought her food. Baek Bo Ram who was with her asked if the man she wanted to marry was Ryu Shi Won and Hwang Bo's answer was that she had thought of it before but then decided to remain as good friends.
Ryu Shi Won said that the good thing about having Hwang Bo as a friend was that she was someone whom he could eat with and not have a scandal arise. He also said that Hwang Bo was someone whom he could meet for a long time.
The Valetines Day Infinity Girls Special was aired on the 13th of February.
*Credits: Empas News*
This was revealed in the recent recording of Infinity Girls which had the Valentine's Day theme whereby they hand made chocolates for someone that they wanted to thank from the bottom of their hearts.
She said that he was someone whom she could chat on the phone with when she was bored and that he always bought her food. Baek Bo Ram who was with her asked if the man she wanted to marry was Ryu Shi Won and Hwang Bo's answer was that she had thought of it before but then decided to remain as good friends.
Ryu Shi Won said that the good thing about having Hwang Bo as a friend was that she was someone whom he could eat with and not have a scandal arise. He also said that Hwang Bo was someone whom he could meet for a long time.
The Valetines Day Infinity Girls Special was aired on the 13th of February.
*Credits: Empas News*
*Gosh, I am so left behind on news...*
Thank God!! I thought she would really want to marry him NOW!!! I would really feel so devastated thinking my JoongBo will be gone forever.
I love it when men talk highly of Hwangbo. She probably is a very exceptional lady.
Thanks for the article, Chonsa, and thanks for keeping us updated.
as much as i love HJ, RSW is also a right man for HB.. i really want HB to be happy and in love with an excellent guy which she definitely deserves it.
Hwangbo really gets along with guys like Junjin and that is all good. But I hope not that well that guys just see her as "one of the guys" and not a potential wife/GF material.
Someone that you admire, doesn't mean someone that you will choose to be your spouse. In this case I really think that HB is better off as friend with all her " male" friends.
As for Junjin, he will be a good choice for Hb. They have much things in common. When they both laugh, after a while other people have stop strecthing their mouth, but this too will keep on having the big smile.
However, If Hwangbo want to be very happy and full with a young energetic life, I think everyone will agree for her to choose Hj. I just hope that Hj did not forget HB. but I guess they dont really keep in contact anymore. aaaaaah...
As long as HB is happy that's all that matters. She's really good friends with everyone, but I did noticed most of her male friends really sees her as a tomboy not really as a woman. If I was to choose who I want HB to be with, RSW really is a good match for our HB. Like anon above, I really hope HJ didn't forget HB. Which I'm sure he didn't and I'm also staying positive that they still keep in contact maybe not much because of his hectic schedule but enough to know what each other are doing every now and then. I still believe in JOONGBO!!! But whoever HB chooses in the future, that guy sure is one lucky guy to have such a kind hearted and the closest to perfection of a woman any man can ask for.
If you'll watch the IG ep 70 where RSW was the guest, you'll find out something that all Joongboers might be happy about. At almost the end of the segment, RSW mentioned something about him finding out how HB feels about him. Just read the translation of what HB said - when she motioned her throat getting cut. To me that means she is into a relationship with somebody and she is being careful. She showed similar action when Big Bang were the guests (the kids) on epi. 69.
Tho' we don't see them together and have not heard anything positive about them, we see a lot of signs they are together.
hwangBo unniE,
seems like she is getting more & more Pretty eaCh day!~
hahahaha...unniE, dOn't foRgeT ur shiLLang thAt is wOrking his aSs off foR the draMa...he is so...tiRED!!!
giVE soMe LOVE unniE!!
HB gave chocolate to RSW for thankful him. But he asked her that she ever seen him as a man or not. She said no. They did whisper soemthing before she answered his question.
Why can't they [joongbo] pull a Choi Ji-woo/Lee Jin-wook and friggin' start dating already?
ugh! lol. This tension is hurting me.
I love my Dal Ja's Spring Joongbo couple but it's fast becoming a fantasy. :(
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