The comments to the post below amuse me. Seriously.
I knew that when I posted the article below, people were gonna have two different reactions, one would be like mine and Shar's and the rest of the cavewomen, which was "Lol! Eun Hyuk!! The smelly SUJU member!" whereas the other group would be the ones crying out betrayal towards Hyun Joong.
But we got another set of reactions, the haters, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. That was totally unexpected, I mean, I never thought that the article would garner Hwang Bo haters.
I mean, seriously? Why hate her? I don't get it.
I read that some readers were annoyed that she was linked to a younger guy instead of a hot man. Erm, reality check. Eun Hyuk is the same age as Hyun Joong. So you're saying that you never liked the Hyun Joong Hwang Bo pairing because Hyun Joong's a younger boy as compared to a man? Are you really a JoongBo fan?
Would you rather she be linked to our lovely Kang Koong PD then? Or maybe MC Yoo? Or perhaps someone older, like Ji Hoo's grandfather. Would that be better suited to your expectations as to who should be her scandal partners?
And how is she acting worse than Hyun Joong? You make it sound like she went pole dancing in the skimpiest bikinis in front of a bunch of guys, trying to seduce them. Hyun Joong kisses Gu Hye Sun (albeit really badly, and for the sake of the drama) and suddenly Hwang Bo is the terrible one? Okay...
Or maybe it's because she supposedly said that she likes Eun Hyuk instead of Hyun Joong? Well, I would hardly expect her to say, "I don't like him, he smells." Would you? Like, really?
The IG girls are notorious for teasing between the members. I mean, when Bong Sun said that she wanted to be cast as Hyun Joong's second wife if he left Hwang Bo, you really think she meant that? Or was it all in good humor?
I think it was in good humor. Something that a lot of people lack nowadays.
As many have said, this is a ratings gimmick. Newspaper articles always write things that would entice the imaginations of people. This has been said so many times, I can't be bothered to repeat the sentences again.
As Shar said, true fans won't suddenly spark off on a 'I hate this person now, this person is so annoying' phase. I mean, if I had to hate an idol for everything he/she did that annoys me, I'd be the graveyard of hate. I'd be gloomier than the undertaker. Heck, I'd be Darth Vader.
Whatever they decide to do, it's their own choice. Whether they want to gallavant with someone else, or tango together, who are we to say anything about how they should act so that they won't offend the other? Besides, if they were both so easily offended by each other, they would have killed each other in the earlier episodes of WGM.
And who cares what kind of headlines they make? Hyun Joong was making news for sleeping in his underwear. How mind gripping. Sleeping in his underwear.
And for all the true blue JoongBoer's out there, the smelly SUJU member! Hahahahahaha!!!
P/S: Just so everyone knows, I'm not bashing SUJU in any way. I do enjoy the likes of SUJU, ask Shar, I nearly went nuts when I heard she met Hee Chul. When I referred to Eun Hyuk as the smelly SUJU, it's because I know that's what his mates call him. It's like calling Hye Sung the crab, like calling Jung Min the horse. And like what I said earlier, all in good humor. I don't believe in bashing anybody, if I did want to bash, I wouldn't encourage everyone here not to bash anyone else. Don't get me wrong, and if you are offended as a fan, remember that I too think of them fondly.
I definitely agree with you 100%. As true joongboers we are happy for both of them. eep on believin for both of them. Fightin. Thanks Chonsa for putting this site for HJ/HB. You are awesome.
wow! I never knew so many people hated Hwangbo for the short episode in IG. Just when she really toned down with her outfit and her laughter, there still remains people who always try to find faults and push her down. Well, no matter what others say, I still believe 100% on both Hwangbo and Hyun Joong. IG is a comedy variety show - what do you expect? Where there haters too when a 2PM member said to get involved with an older woman like HB is okay with him?
^ 2pm fans are not as... er.. EXTREME as the elves.
Poor Hwang Bo! Haters need to stop being insecure and jealous because she's smoking hot, genuinely good and nice, and ridiculously talented in *everything* she does. Haters also need to sprout a sense of humor... the IG girls all joke around with each other all the time, and suddenly this flippant Eunhyuk stuff has blown up into headline-scandal madness.
Hwang Bo deserves to be happy and younger or older, whichever man she ends up with will be very lucky.
Wow. Never even crossed my mind about hating. Poor HB. All that was on my mind was, what, Eun Hyuk??? And... *dot dot dot*
Poor HB being hated for nothing.
For one, I wasn't affected by this article~~~ IMO It's just another attempt at news agencies to garner sales & ratings.
Ppl, let the JoongBo fire rage on!!!!!! ^^;;
I wanna kiss you just now! *kisses*
You said it all. The comments gathered from your earlier post really saddened me, but im relieved now that i have the same thought as you, exact thoughts! Thanks for writing this.. its just that i think you have more command than any reader here, that no matter how much comment i make, it will come to waste.
Chonsa fighting!
JoongBo fighting!
I wanna kiss you just now! *kisses*
You said it all. The comments gathered from your earlier post really saddened me, but im relieved now that i have the same thought as you, exact thoughts! Thanks for writing this.. its just that i think you have more command than any reader here, that no matter how much comment i make, it will come to waste.
Chonsa fighting!
JoongBo fighting!
ppl coming to senses!
when i first saw the article in popseoul, i wanted to kill the person who wrote it for over playing the whole joke.
seriously...i am disappointed at the korean press sometimes... i thought press is supposed to be.. uhh? honest.... >.<;;
joongbo4ever :]
Lol I'm selective in reading stuff...and since I have no idea who is who in SuJu (save for Choi siwon), I took no notice of that piece of news besides the fact that HB perhaps was trying to make HJ jealous (fangirl mode on) and HJ should fight back. Aniwaes, yeah, much was done in good humour, but some people don't like it....Like some of my friends didn't like the teasing among the SS501 boys and thought they were rude/obnoxious to each other. Oh well, to each's taste!
I'm so over with so called Joongbo obsession...can you just like them for who they are? You said ur a Joongboer but when news about them appear, you start to comparising them (career and looks), 'hate' whoever they paired with, called them unfaithful to one and other, and what I hate them most is..Go HB/HJ make her/him jeaolus..!
Is there's need to do all of that..?! Is that kind of things make you satisfied..?!?
They are artist, celebrities and an individual of their own..if you called your self a 'fans', don't you just glad and happy to know that they're still working and entertain us?? Can you just treasure all the memories they and we have during WGM?? That they create a wonderful story greater than drama/film u ever see..and we are lucky enough to witness that??
Maybe the reason they didn't open up about their true relationship (friends/lover) is maybe they scared of people like you all..expect too much and wanting too much from them, digging everything they do to connect them..have u ever think that they maybe scared??
Just love them for whoever they are, if u only like one of them..then go to other place rather than this blog..
iam joongbooooo fan but i dont like u saying smelly suju..iam and elf also ,,so when suju refer to eunhyuk like that its only for joking case ...
he is ahot man if u know him well...and what the hel girls can like alot of guys at the same time ..its not shame if she like some one she met ....u seriesly gotta grow up..and the one who wrote the article pllllz dont bash another fandom ...
elf naoomi
Come one, they are entertainers, they were just trying to entertain us. It is all up to individual's imagination, some likes, some dislikes JoongBo.
For me, I just enjoy the shows, appreciate their efforts, and wish them all the best.
I miss JoongBo in WGM, but may be the ending is the best for both. They have achieved so much more since, dont u think??
whAt eVer it iS...PleAse donT be tOO exTrme~ JooGBOer's hwaiting~!! keep on believing jOOngbO!!!
FTTS!!!!!! bOgoshipO!!!
hehehehe..EVery1~ plEase be haPPy anD don't Discriminate others...
WOr'ld PeaCE!!!!
lol @ smelly suju member! don worry chonsa, i know tt u din mean tt comment. like how we are fans of other artists, we are also ur fan n we know tt u r not tt kind of person who bashes other fandoms. like wt u say, we r ur true fans too! so don need to care bout wt other ppl who r not ur true fans say bout u too!
chonsa, hwaiting!
well chonsa...ya i agree if u r a joongbo fan or hwangbo fanz,,,u shouldnt say bad things about her.....it is jus a program...wat with all fuss about it...hb onli say but hb didnt say she love him or want anything rite....fighting chosa&sharry!!!!!
"I'm so over with so called Joongbo obsession...can you just like them for who they are? You said ur a Joongboer but when news about them appear, you start to comparising them (career and looks), 'hate' whoever they paired with, called them unfaithful to one and other, and what I hate them most is..Go HB/HJ make her/him jeaolus..!
Is there's need to do all of that..?! Is that kind of things make you satisfied..?!?
They are artist, celebrities and an individual of their own..if you called your self a 'fans', don't you just glad and happy to know that they're still working and entertain us?? Can you just treasure all the memories they and we have during WGM?? That they create a wonderful story greater than drama/film u ever see..and we are lucky enough to witness that??
Maybe the reason they didn't open up about their true relationship (friends/lover) is maybe they scared of people like you all..expect too much and wanting too much from them, digging everything they do to connect them..have u ever think that they maybe scared??
Just love them for whoever they are, if u only like one of them..then go to other place rather than this blog..
Ok... could u make some sense here? U are talking about being over the so called Joongbo Obsession and then ask pplo who aren't joongbo fans to go another place?
Honey u are taking this waay to harsh.
1-If u dont wanna read the comments just dont. I ignore the crazies 90% of the time.
2-We that love the couple feel slightly insulted by ur Joongbo obsession comment. Hey we like pairings. Who are u to tell us what is right and wrong with that? I still like my pairings from old shows i used to watch as a teen.
3-Also i highly doubt that HB and HJ are reading this particular ENGLISH blog to decide the course of action on the rest of their lives. If u wanna give a sermon, give it to the Korean netizens who write comments like "Oh i wish HJ's accident had been really serious, HB couldn't date a cripple"
Also ELF calm down. We call hyukk smelly because.. erm hello? anyone ever saw their variety shows? he has smelly feet! just like i call the love of my life and future husband JM horse.
well said, Chonsa ^^
well said, chonsa.
i suspect the HB haters are probably antis just emerging out of the woodwork and jumping at any chance to diss her so i don't take them seriously.
HB could probably say she's using a brand of BB cream that's not Tonymoly or drink Pepsi and they would act like some extreme betrayal. *lol*
"omgwth, you love XYZ brand of BB cream! You drink Pepsi! You're betraying KHJ!"
Altough I'm a die hard Joongbo fan (chincaro..!)..still..everytime I read news about them..I feel sad..why? Because its like they always gonna link to each other, not as an individual celebrity but as a we got married ex or ssangchu couple..not that I mind it but people seem forget about their own career...
*fan mode on*
HB is been a celebrity and singer for almost 10 years!, but people will write KHJ widow or ex-wife or somthin..and then the comment about she betray HJ bla bla bla..cmon people come to you're own sense..geezz..
Sometimes I wish HB didn't join WGM, cause she got so much critic and antis..but then if she didn't I probably never know her and love her very much..never know that she's an amazing women with big heart and talent..*sigh..
I dunno if my post make sense..I'm just rambling around..
Manybe I will try sharry mode to ignore those nasty comment..
come on...peopLe~
no need to hATe each othEr!~
Let ur faV artis Live like they wanT...be haPPy for them...
as Long As HJ and HB is heALthy anD haPPy that is matter... why must some peoPle haTe them...juSt Let juSt fate be the judge` with whoM eVer they ended up with ritE?
fuLL support is important!~
first af all Thank you Sharry and Chonsa,ignored them because we know Hwangbo better She was a kind,simple,and very friendly person,people who hates her,Hwangbo will forgive them,as for me i still kept Joongbo in my heart ,because once they give me happiness and laughter while watching them in WGM, whatever they do in their life im still watching their show,listening to their music, reading the good the bad , and the ugly comment ,but i will stay forever .......Hwangbo BIG HUG, BIG HIT AJAJA FIGTHING
lol....like Eun Hyuk too. When I read that article, I just laugh. Its for the show people, why go hating anyone!!!! Seriously, get a life if all you want to do is hate. You just look like a looser!!!! will be always loving Hyun Joong just for his personalities alone. His time with Hwang Bo gave him a new perspective and likely matured a little more. anyone notice that he is way more outgoing in those variety shows since we got married than when he was younger. I would think that for even just a bit Hwang Bo had some influence. So I would hope, Hyun Joong would cherish those memories he had with her. As for Hwang Bo, any man she chooses would be one lucky guy and she can tell him she was once married to an idol..lol. I'm sure the guy would know that.
I am a fan of our favorite couple, however can we not just wish them the good health and awesome carreer in the entertainment world, regardless of whether they choose to be together or not. I understand that there are still arrange marriage happening, but people need to realize, they can choose whomever they want, regardless if we agree on who they pick. I mean, it would be great if they choosed each other, cause we think they are great together, they balanced each other out providing that what we witnessed on WGM was really them, and not scripted....I choose to believe it was more of them than script....I am just saying, love them individually if you are a true fan...cause really we just want them to be happy and we want to see more of them. The anti's can go h***!!! HB and KHJ fighting!!!
Chonsa...great work. I thought this was seriously funny. Good to know there is someone just as sane as I am. I am a fanatically joongboer fan, but I can love them as individual entertainers too.
Lol at the smelly feet comment, Chonsa did you happened to forget that HJ said he also has Athlete's Feet lol
The idol fans are not the only ones who on the extreme. Many or some, NOT ALL, joongboers are like that too. Many Joongboers pick/analyze over every little things; which is none of my business but when they go on the negative strike; it annoys me. One moment they are cheering and all happy happy. One moment they start attacking HJ for being coupled or kissed other actresses in his drama. Hello loosers! It's called acting. It's not INFIDELITY.
Then all the sudden they attack HB for things said on a variety show. Loosers! it's called entertainment and she's not cheating on anyone or stealing someone else's husband.
I'm being a rude here but some really need a knock on the head before they turn psychotic. Pardon me! Be fair to both! Give support to both. Go ahead and feel emo all you want whenever they are being linked to others but attacking them with none sense is not acceptable.
^ god i could kiss u for that comment! thanxs!
We need to separate the fans from the leeches.
Fans-Someone who admires *what in this case would be our fav couple Joongbo* and supports .
Leech -someone who claims to be a supporter but all it does is over analyze to a point where the rest of the pretty ssangchus on the fields feel like they are getting sucked in a vortex of pain and stupidity.
Please separate those and we can have our ssangchu farm leech free.
To all those antis reading, please leave this blog. We only welcome Joongboers. Thank you.
Chonsa and Sharry: I was extremely shocked when I read the comments from the previous article. Glad that you two are out here to knock some sense into those who are being too extreme...
I seriously think that obsession sometimes leads to crazy ideas or actions. I mean, please be more open about what Joongbo does outside WGM. They have to earn a living too. They can't avoid headlines and scandals. If they do, then it means they're no longer popular. I mean, that's how the press works. They either create a scandal to stir things or they leave you alone since you're not worth writing about. I'd rather see Joongbo on the headlines than not hearing anything at all. So stay positive everyone!!! It means that both of them are working hard to support their future family!!!
Oh. I don't know hyunjoong have anti-fan from his kiss scence from drama.and some of them are joongboers.poor hyunjoong.And because of eunhyuk joongboer started hate her. If I as her I'll do the same way. I like eun hyuk the most in SJ.He's one of real cool.
In my heart I need to see them together everytime they are awesome funny and playful but I understand they have their own carreer too.and now I see they just try hard to keep their carreer.and show their real personality for future work.hyunjoong with many effort in everything(and news about his collapse after that).Hwangbo with kind heart and friendly look.(and other anti-fan after that)
they try hard to show their good work.they wish we just watch and have fun.I think no need to envy or jealous for other side.If they still contact each other till now I think both of them will support and cheer up each other for sure.
Hi, I have been reading all the comments here about that news on Hwangbo liking Eun Hyuk. Seriously, what's the big deal if she likes Eun Hyuk? She only likes him and not going to marry him. It seems like she committed a crime by liking Eun Hyuk. I bet the one who wrote that article was a big SUJU fan and fears the charms of Hwangbo.
I just find it so funny that this news was blown out of proportion. If I remember last February Hwangbo mentioned that her ideal man and the guy she hopes to marry is somebody like Ryu Shiwon. How come nobody reacted to that? That was more obvious admiration from her because she made that chocolate for Shiwon (although he's a good catch too for her). But this time, she wasn't the one who said it but more like a joke from her friends. How come many Joongboers reacted violently? hmmnn..Anyways, if u watched the show, Hwangbo wasn't even flirting and did not do the aegyo thing. So please spare her with all these nonsense negative write ups. I AM A JOONGBO Fan but my love for Hwangbo outweights the love i have fof KHJ..Peace out!
everything is so well-discussed. conclusion: love them both. joongbo fighting!
Agreeing with you wholeheartedly! Joongbo ftw :)
can't agree with you more. Just wondering how these people could call themselves "Joongbo" ? Do they really understand Lettuce Couple in WGM. If they were touched only once at some moment,they should have appreciated.
I love the beauty of both, but do not want to see them working on any project together any more. They deserve to enjoy private lives out of public.
Antis from both sides, if you had ever supported any of them, please leave them alone.
my take after reading all those comments: they are not joongbo fans... just don't sound like them... but then again, i'm a grown up, so maybe i don't understand the mind of the youngsters anymore... lol!
just love HB and HJ! together or not!
i don't understand why pp hate HB for that episode. I already watch it and didn't see anything that capture my attention of her liking him. Instead, seeing her refuse to show her cute side. She still insisted that she only show it to her man. Joongbo mode: that even confirmed that she did consider HJ as her man that is why she did it. should we be happy as a joongboer that she had such a comments. Instead seeing the closeness of HB with SUJU, i see more of hesitation that coming from HB. Since i don't know korean so i pay attention more with body language. i see nothing wrong in that episode. pp just exagerate too much specially the reporters.
I agree with you all there's nothing to worry with HB the way she acted during the latest IG..Its just an acting for the show and she did not do anything like flirting with the guy...
Im a 110% JOONGBO Believer.... and more of HB fan. SHe's the one god sent to HJ...Belive in them.
Geez..just because our Hwang Bo is loveable person, it doesnt mean that she gonna stick with all those man~ Ow..please ..all pathetic fans out there..get your own life..
I agree with you Chonsa, JoongBo Fighting!
please stop those comments like "hwangbo is a saint, she would make any man happy , hj is lucky to have her." becuase thats not a comment a JOONGBOER should be making. U wanna know the reason why she has antis?? comments like these get the antis going.
if a HJ fan reads stuff like this He/she will feel offended. Just like if HJ fans says crap like that abut him HB fans will feel offended too.Think before u write.
Hwangbo deserves a man to love whoever it may be. you go girl, Chonsa. lol :D your article was very interesting , it cracked me up.
Dear Chonsa....
You`re really the best fan Hwangbo-nim ever had!How she`ll easily got sudden tears if she read this!I`m really like Hwangbo-nim and I knew KHJ also in love with her some day that will come...THANKS!!!
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