Hey there guys! Pop the champagne! It's their first anniversary!
Here's to all the fans of the couple who still love them for who they are, both together and individually!
And thank you to our lovely JoongBo, for giving us such joy, laughter, and happy memories. I know that I have them to thank for a lot of new experiences, and new life-long friends that I made while going down this journey with them.
To all my world soul sisters, 고맙다... 사랑해...
And to all the JoongBoers out there, TO THE WORLD!
P/S: Thank you everyone for all your contributions to the project. Both me and Shar are working on completing the project now, and we will be posting it up on the 9th of May! ^^!!!!!!
Yes...C....happy anniversary to joongbo!!! it is so fast its their first anniversary....many joongbo lovers r sure crazy about today....
it's been a year already???
feels like yesterday..
i still remember exactly the first time they met in Jejudo..so awkward and so shy to express their feeling, Hyunjoong being so ignorant,but as time goes by, they are the sweeetest couple, and I AM A BELIEVER!!!
Happy 1st Anniversary To Our Beloved JoongBo and All JoongBoer around the world! Thanks C to create this blog and updated news about our couple.
I create this 3 mv's for their anniversary:
OMG!!! i can't believe its their anniversary... i'm still hoping to see them together.... <3 .... ahhhhhhhhh i miss them... i hate wgm.. it made me stuck to believing that they can be together!!! alshin is officially over..... hope to hear no news from joongbo!!!!
i have to thank joongbo for a lot things :]
for giving more hope and confidence: i was always teased as being boyish, but hwang bo came out and showed that it's ok to be boyish ("General hwang bo")and that it doesn't matter at the end cuz the people who love you will always love you for who you are XDDD
showing me the real-life friendly side of love, not the mushy, dramatized romantic fluff.
for all the hilarious times :]
and for introducing ss501 and other great korean celebs to me :]]]
thanks chonsa again for all your hard work :]]]
jooonnggggbooo & ss501 4ever :]]]
oh, btw, there is this really rude person going around on youtube being really disprespectful to not only hwangbo but any one the person deems "old"...
i don't have an account @ youtube, so i can't do anyhting, but can any body who do at least reply to this person or at least mark him/her with thumb downs?
thanks... the person's comments are really disrurbing...
Happy 1st Anniversary JoongBo!
Thank you for adding smile and laughter to my life for a year!
Thank you for making me giggle just by the thought of you being together.
Thank you for sharing your growing love to all JoongBoers.
Thank you trying your best in everything you do, as a couple or individually.
JoongBoers, thank you for sharing the same love for this couple. For all who made lots of efforts and even to those who just lurk but share the same wish of them being together. LET'S CELEBRATE EVERYONE!
JOONGBO fighting!
To the world!!
To the world! Thanks for all of your hard work, chonsa.
Happy 1st Year Anniversary to the Ssangchu's. I wish them many happy years to come.
To the World!!!
Thank you Chonsa for sharing your place to chill out with the rest of us Joongboers.
Happy 1st anniversary to joongbo...
i have a lot of things to be thakful for because of this tandem...
i got to know and appreciate: the other couples in wgm,korea's gag men and women,K-pop,the positivity of all joongboers and of course the hwangbo and Kim hyun joong...
thanks chonsa for this blog... a truly indispensible resource to JBers hehehe...
Hi 5! To the world!!
Oh! its almost their anniversary today..seems like its almost 2 mos. since i've become a joongbo fan...anywaes, happy first anniversary joongbo couple...
anoy..i saw that 88bunu she said disgusting words to our dear Hwang Bo.I told her to STOP saying anything against HB even write to her account but she didn't stop she said this is a free speech country(She's crazy!). So i said ok go ahead and scream what ever you want to tell about HB. We will and still love Hwang Bo more with Hyun Joong.
TrY TO WRITE on her TOO.
ahhh.. this is too much.. i miss joongbo! im going crazy!
thanks Chonsa for this site where i can shout like this and not be stared at.
happy aniv JoongBo! Fighting!
itS aLready 1yR!!!
OMMo....i miSS them being 2getheR!
now botH aRe very bZ...sEEms thAt they didn't haVe the time to meet For a ReunIon???
GOsh...i hopE thAt MBC can maKe a pRogramme whEre WGM caSt from 1st ep haVe their reunion!!!
OMoo....it wouLd be funn!~
anyway, i hope HJ anD HB unnie stay heaLthy anD happy Always!!~
To the wORLD!~ hawiting!!
JoonGBoers!!!! keep on beLieving!!!
TO the universe!
TO the world!
i cannot believe it has been a year sincr they got married!
All thanks to them and all good luck to them!
All believers , let's hi-five!
TO the universe!
TO the world!
i cannot believe it has been a year sincr they got married!
All thanks to them and all good luck to them!
All believers , let's hi-five!
TO the universe!
TO the world!
i cannot believe it has been a year sincr they got married!
All thanks to them and all good luck to them!
All believers , let's hi-five!
happpy anniversary our lovely joongbo!!
happy anniversary to joongbo!!!
joongbo forever
ah it's been a year already.wat a memory.miss & luv them so much.happy 1st anniversary Ssangchu couple,may all the happiness be with the both of you.
p/s:thanx chonsa for remind us about their anniversary.TO THE WORLD!!
To the world!
Thank you for creating this blog, a place for JoongBo fans to meet, to share love & laughter.
Thanks for all of your hard work, chonsa.
HwangBo, be happy, all the best!
its been a year and yet we still believe in them..
that's make us the joongboer's so unite...
happy anniversary to them..
thank you for making my day with joy and laughter until now...
dear chonsa..thank you for all the hard work..we really appreciate it
to HwangBo and Hyun Joong, all the best in ur career and plz do take care of your health HJ..
To the world!!
wow, so fast. it already one year past. happy 1 year anniversary to joongbo. I miss those times that i have to stay up late and try to log in to watch live and reading the translation at the same time. Really miss those fun time. joongbo fighting!!!
Happy Anniversary to JoongBo!!! May we all continue to celebrate their anniversary every year!!! =D
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