Hey there guys!! Sorry for the extremely long silence, I've been doing too many things for my own good, but I'm having loads of fun!!! ^^!!
Just a quick update this time round!!

1) Hyun Joong and the rest of the SS boys will be attending a KPN fanmeeting in Japan on the 16th, where the boys will be performing their contribution to the OST of KPN, 'I'm Stupid'.Just a quick update this time round!!

2) They will then be spending a 1 night 2 day trip in Jeju Island with their fans, where they will have a lineup of activities including games as well as a mini concert. This is scheduled to be on the 2nd and 3rd of May.
3) The boys will also be leaving for the States on the 6th till the 15th of May, spending ten days in the States in preparation for their second album.
4) SS501 is scheduled to release their second album in July, afterwhich they will be participating in their Asian Tour, covering places such as Korea, China, Japan and Taiwan. They are also preparing for their own solo activities.

5) Hyun Joong and Kim Bum were also salespeople for a day on the 8th, selling the handphones that they are spokespeople for. It was noted that while the both of them were there, they sold more handphones than usual, and that a lot of their fans went there to see the both of them as well.
P/S: Who wouldn't buy a handphone from him?? I would buy those phones in an instant as well!! Someone tell me where I can get them, I can't find them here!! *sigh*

6) Hyun Joong also mentioned that the thing he wanted to do for his girlfriend was to cut her toenails.
Hmmm... I'm making a connection here... hahaha!
*Credits: Nate.com*
hmmmmm XD
hahahah.. i c ur connection....
i heard that son dambi is requesting to comeback to wgm is that true?? if it is then.. i ope joongbo can come back too
his schedule is full, he can't rest!
ah, really, ki hyunjoong please don't be workholic!
hurM...if its true thAt son dambi is requEsting on coming baCK in WGM...hOpe jOOngBo too!!!! ahh...atleast they can enjoy being theirseLves rite???!~
ahhh...thoSe were the days.....
WGM 1st season is thE beST!~
jOOngBO hwaiting!!
ya, me too.... i'm a believer and hoping that one day they could have a chance to come back in WGM even for 5 months only hi5!!!... huhuhuhu.... i really miss themmmmm....
someone has a foot fetish. lolz
Hmm...toenails I also see a connection here=) Haha
I think he also added - and do her pedicure.
what a jampacked sched :) but tleast he'll be doing what he loves and missed the most! singing!
i hope he gets his youthful glow back!
and thanks so much chonsa for the spazz about the toenails *connect*
cut his gf toenails?is he giving his fans a hint that he is dating hwang bo?ah why dont they just reveal the truth.im dying to hear they say that they love each other.owh god pls make our wish come true...
oh my HJ its very obvious that you have indeed an affair with HB..cut toe nails.... you always answer that stuff...mmmmmmmmm...admit it.
to the world..
joongbo couple...
lettuce couple...
ssangchu couple..
and lastly
the index finger couple..
I hope he gets all the rest he deserves, his schedule is so busy, but Im glad hes back to singing!
joongbo fighting!
he is so handsome!
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