Just felt like posting pictures of her today. ^^!
And Shi Ah will be having a private wedding on the 7th. Hwang Bo is definitely attending so there will be more pictures of her then! Hope she doesn't outshine the bride! Although I seriously think that that is a big possibility...
*Credits: Nate News*
hi C...thanks for u post...it is great to see so many pretty pic of HB...hope u post more of it...figthing!!!!1
she seriously a pretty woman. my hope she wont be toooo of a sexy type. it will make her no difference with hyori (no offence to hyori fans anyway, i just want her to be distinct). and i adore her long hair. to get myself a look-alike soon. my hair is half way to get to hers. yooohoooo!
I don't think Hwangbo will attend the wedding since she will be in LA on that day for Compassion's activities
thank you chonsa for bringing back Hb, i really missed her a lot reading joongbo forum sometimes make me up and down i missed both of them .
Thanks C for posting those pictures of HB - really miss her.....hope you will get more news of her.....tks once again.
She is just too pretty :). Gorgeous but no slutty, and she has such a fun style. If I could meet any Korean celebrity she would probably be the one ♥
i miss her, C!
T__T im more of an hb fan than any of her idols/guys combined.
its a shame that shes so underrated.
thanks for the pics!
i luv her.
yep, she's so underrated and it's not fair at all..
i really wish her new album will be ready very soon.
hwangbo hwaitg ^^
i miss her too...
HB bogoshipo..
but i heard that's she just started preparing her album... so that's good..
something's keeping her busy
Hwang BO unnie is just too PRETTY, and yes... it is a big possibility of HER out shining the BRIDE. tee hee
just to give my support to HB ... HB Fighting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she was pretty and nice kepp going HB and make more ballad music like mature HB fighting we missed you
c...thanks for the pics. i really bogoshipda hb! hb saranghanika.
her dress on the last pic reminds me of her wedding dress on joongbo's 1ooth day..
can't forget, jeungmal...
me too
I miss her so much
but i don't want to let her too busy. I wanna see just healthy and happy her with big smile.
She said she will come back with her 2nd album defenetely until end of the year.
Pls live healty and do what u want.
Maybe she will do a lot of charity work too. HB,fighting!!
Just give us some information sometimes!
thank for the pics Chonsa!
Seriously miss her and everything about her! hope there's more news about her..
her dress does look a lot like what she wore during their 100th anniversary... is she telling us something?
just missing joongbo so much....
Thanks Chonsa! I can't wait until HB release her new album this year. I agree with everyone here, she's so underrated! She's so beautiful love all those pictures of her.
Bogoshipo Hwang Bo too! I'm anticipating her album now that she officially announced that she's working on it. YAY!!! More HB for 2009!!!
it's cute, she picked a dress just like the one hyunjoong picked in the wedding photoshoot. cute..
she is a real beauty:)
with big heart and outer beauty:)
Thanks for the update...love to see HB more picture...
uR my rOLe moDEL!~
beautiful eVen uR aGE!~
i hoPe hwangBo unniE & hyun Joong 4EVER!!!
hb is really breathtakingly beautiful!
thanks chonsa!
while reading your post my brother sew Hb picture his comment was oh shes hot and awesome simple but beautiful.next album BIG HIT..I myself will order a cd AJAAJA FIGHTING..............
Thanks Chonsa!!
She looks SO gorgeous <3
i've become a fan of hb after watching wgm. she is just so beautiful inside and out. it must have been really trying for her during the first few episodes of wgm because khj was being so inconsiderate and behaving so ungentlemanly then. although i love khj to death, i really felt that he was mistreating hb at the beginning. but inspite of khj's behavior, hb with her beautiful heart let khj shine. khj has a lot to be thankful for to hb and i'm glad he realized it in the end. joongbo forever!!
lovely lovely lovely!
i also start to love hwang bo since WGM...SHE IS GREAT..........she may has quite tomboy personality...but ACTUALLY SHE REALLY SOFT person for me......... she good with houseworks, cooking, and charity work too..... what hyun joong said that she really soft person is so true.... she is ideal woman as wife........ **wink**wink**
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