Finally managed to get round to meeting Sharry!! And as usual, she has provided me with picspam!! Enjoy guys!!!
"I have looked for the necklace in over twenty pictures with awesome zoom in on them and I still can't see the pendant that we all know and love." - Sharry
I haven't seen that many photos as Shar, but I don't see it in any of the photos either. Anyone care to share pics that show the pendant?
*Credits: Daum*
what pendent is that?:)
I cant see either!
what pendant?? wahts its significance??
aRe u taLking abOut dA pendanT thaT Hyun jOOng's??
is it reaLLy truE thAt shE haVe it?
hurM...i hope its true...
i wIsh thAt...they reaLLy are daTIng anD keep it the daRK...untiLL 1 day...they reveaL it aLL...
waH...thAt is whAt iam hoPing for...
someone had posted it somewhere - not too visible but you can tell the musical note was there. I think she jumped or something so it came out of her blouse that is buttoned up. seems like she tried to hide it but it came out anyway - not the entire pendant tho'.
haaahaa really? i am on cloud 9 now..
check your e-mail C. Hopefully it's clear enough for you.
Lol maybe she knows we're onto her so she's trying hard to hide it now?? XD I'm hoping so desperately for a picture of Hwangbo+necklace, I miss them so much!
aaaah... thanks for the pics scam Chonsa & Sharry! love it!
i really miss HB so much.. and yeah..if you have the pic with pendant, pls share too...
HB with pendant?
I hope we cannot see it.
If there are something between our joongbo,i am happy because i love them together. but now is not the time to expand this news.
It's so dangerous. HJ is now really hot. For HJ's carrer and HB's safe, I hope no news comes out in this timing.
but...... I miss them so much.
I don't hope that they are datin. HB should get a guy her own age or the most is 2 or 3 years younger cuz women age faster than man. I don't want her, someday, if they end up together, starts thinkin about botox and other stuffs to keep her young due to pressure. To me, from these pics, she looks like she's in her 30s already. Fake marriage on TV is one thing because it's a set up interm of the setting and the event, with no worries. Dating and marriage in real life is a whole different story. Don't want her to go through stress! Don't kill me for sayin!
I disagree. Age doesn't matter as HJ told in one of the interviews. It's the union and blessedness of two together should matter if they did really ended together. I still believe in love. LOVE that sets no boundaries. I love Hwangbo. She is extra ordinary woman. I really admired in what she's doing her life and her set of principles in life. Hurray for my unni.
Hi Sharry & Chonsa...
What pendant did u galz talking about?
Is it the musical note that HJ designed?
I think I saw it somewhere *forget*
Try WGM group at crunchy.
Maybe they post it there.
Spread the JoongBo love... ^_____^
If bothe are wise ehehehe I do hope they are dating... its hard to find THAT MATCH!
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